On December 10, 2014, FSM President Manny Mori and a delegation held a meeting with approximately 60 FSM citizens at the University of Hawaii at Hilo. Co-sponsored by the Pacific Islander Student Center, Micronesians United – Big Island, and the FSM Consulate Office, the meeting focused on the FSM Economic Development Plan. But when some of the Chuukese citizens asked for his views on the Chuuk secession movement, Mr. Mori did not hesitate to make known his opposition to Chuuk State leadership in their attempt to fragment the nation.
On December 18th, President Mori joined other FSM citizens in signing the Chuuk Reform Movement’s online petition in which he urged all Chuukese citizens “to vote against the movement to secede from the Federation…the Federated States of Micronesia.”
President’s reasons for signing the petition:
As the sitting president, I cannot support this movement. When I took office in 2007, I swore that I will uphold the constitution and all laws of the Federated States of Micronesia. My humble suggestion to our Chuuk State leaders is for them to reevaluate the merits and demerits of pursuing a political option instead of working together to improve the management of Chuuk State’s financial resources as the best remedy to the budgetary problem now but most especially in 2024 when the Compact Sector Grants are being replaced by earnings of the Compact Trust Fund which is projected to be short by approximately $45 t0 $50 million and Chuuk State Government’s share of that shortfall is approximately $21 million. Translating that into loss of jobs and incomes to our residents in Chuuk, the hardship is way too painful for the leaders to do nothing by pursuing political option instead of improving the investment environment in Chuuk by tackling the number one impediment to development—-the land issue. Having said these, I will urge all eligible voters who read this message to vote against the movement to secede from the Federation–the Federated States of Micronesia. My advance Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. PMM
Join the President in signing the petition now.
Henchy Bualuay says
I respectfully commend President Manny Mori for joining the many of us who are opposing the movement for Chuuk’s secession from the FSM. Thanks Mr. President!
Akasio I Erra says
I am not surprise that President Manny Mori opposed the idea of Chuuk seceded from the federation, the Federated State of Micronesia I am encouraged that he does, he understands the negative impact this undertake will have on the political, social, and economic future of our beautiful island of Chuuk.. This I believe to be a political suicidal, and reckless ambition for some mochenian nemenem, mochenian moni. A builder has to first count the cost of building a house, or else it will lay waste, no gain but all Lost.
Menas says
My thought exactly…our Chuuk leaders have proven themselves that they’re unskilled,incapable,zero knowledge and totally unqualified to lead and manage our local government..they’re only capable of demolishing our houses but have no skills to rebuild.
Their only concern is (where,how) to get “public handout funds” to use as tools to fool us,chuukese..all of these leaders have set up tactics such as, a sack of 50lbs rice or a $20 bill for your vote..but this is totally wrong,it MUST be stopped..we can’t afford this kind of practice..it’s a political suicide and we continue to severely damage our own image and reputation,not only in the FSM but among foreign countries as well.
This secession thing must be their last option..education,infrastructure, health and jobs must be their first topics on their important list..
It show time and time again,they’re not qualified to represent interest and wellbeing of the general public..
They work only for themselves and their own interest.
KichChuuk says
Keep FSM united.
MymyPFisu says
Let’s vote for Independence!
Upwe says
Filemino Kilicho says
This is quite something: A fellow Chuukese seats the highest office in our nation; and here we are picking up our dagger and stabbing him in the back. Let’s help our President by voting no.
Upwe says
Upwe says
jemi says
Thanks. I vote no no no and still no.
High-5 says
May we know where our Chuuk Congressmen stand, are they against or support secession.??
Vid..help us out;
Nethon SN
Aritos Fk
Gouland NN
Otto NW
Harper. MR
Simina. At-Large
We need to know where they stand….
Upwe says
Do we really need to know their side? or Should I say we really need them to be on our side. Pardon me if I am mistaken..
High-5 says
We need both of their ( supports) & 2 know where (they stand )… They play a critical role in shaping or dismantling our government we voted them in, so they represent us in our FSM congress…… Therefore, understanding them, is vital..however,most of ’em are being silent ,hiding with the ghosts in a foggy storm..
They’re too busy worring about the election..their decisions will have an effect on the outcome.. President Mori is not afraid and that is a true leader..!
Nemanien says
We can’t leave 3 stars hanging . Hearing all this is seriously making me question my future .
Vote NO please and keep Chuuk in FSM .
Bender says
For sure, mr.singkoro harper is not supporting this independent movement. Just like most of the people of Mortlocks they say ” no” on March 3rd.
Sherry Refilong says
What other language are we going to learn when we have learned and speaked English? Chuuk is in the area of Micronesia as the map shows and how is the map going to look like when we are an Independen state?