Today, Mr. Johnny Meippen, Secretary of the Chuuk Political Status Commission (CPSC), posted the following message on his Facebook page addressed to Chuukese citizens living overseas. While it may have been intended for his Chuukese FB friends, but because of its relevance to the discussion on Chuuk secession it deserves to widely disseminated to “you people.” It is published here in its entirety without any content edits other than to add spaces between ideas / paragraphs:
Johnny Meippen: I ee from all these comments there is a pre-existing firm belief out there not to believe anything coming from the Chuuk Political Status Commission or the Leadership of Chuuk. I also see existing out there more love of the FSM than of Chuuk. I also see that we who remain in Chuuk are the real Chuukese who continue to make Chuuk truly ours, our permanent home.
The late Lt. Governot Ridis Heldart said, ” I love Chuuk; Chuuk is the home of ai kewe newo.” However, I can understand why you Chuukese residing outside of Chuuk are so opposed to your Chuuk earning to set itself free from the FSM; it is out of concern for your own interest, the benefits that are derived from the Compact of Free Association, that now become the overriding concern..
You left your home island in search of a better living condition. I do not blame you for doing what you have embarked on.. 80% of my Meippen family is also living in the State of Washington, in search of better living condition, although some unfortunately ended up behind the thick bars of correctional facilities in that State.
The Commission tries to educate ami ekkena Chuukese residing outside of Chuuk, in the U.S. that breaking away from the FSM would ultimately result in better living condition in Chuuk, as more job opportunities would open up not only for those who continue to remain, but also attracting you people back.
The Commission also try to educate you people that breaking away would bring back the power we have given the FSM national government over our fisheries, a resource given to us by our creator.
The Commission has tried to educate you people that since we had given away the power over fisheries, the FSM national government has been depriving us of the benefits thereof.
We have tried to educate you people that the Compact of Free Association is not something that can be easily terminated by ” legally constructive termination” or by political rearrangement within the FSM, for examply by secession or succession of states. But you people tell us that you know better than us, the Political Status Commission and the Leadership of Chuuk.
You disagree with us on all these points. You keep maintaining that seceding from the FSM equals terminating the Compact. You keep maintaining that Chuuk cannot legally secede because the FSM Constitution says so.
You maintain that gaining back control of our fisheries means nothing because the value of it is really insignificat or zero.
You maintain that no outside country would like to help us, but that they would only help if we continue to remain in the FSM.
You even want to take away the right of the people to express their decision on this matter by demanding Chuuk to abondon the idea.
You claim you don’t understand enough to be able to make sound decision, comes March, 2015. Yet, by your own deeds, you have succeeded in telling everybody that you know better and that the Commission and the Leadership of Chuuk know nothing about what they are doing while hiding something under their sleeves.
The media network is filled with shameful words being exchanged, all pointing out stupidity and incompetence on our part. These differences now appear to set us Chuukese apart from one another, those of us who chose to remain in Chuuk, and those of you who have chosen to leave our islands.
My word of reminder to all of you Chuukese out there, most especially my dear friends Vid Radioor and Dan Suda: Given your claim that you are more knowledgeable and more trustworthy than the Leadership of Chuuk and the Political Status Commission, perhaps you shoule come back home and pull Chuuk out of the mess you ran away from.
I am sure you can navigate within the FSM framwork on behalf of Chuuk better than all of us here at home. You are more knowledgeable. You are more wise. You are more experinced. You have more love for Chuuk than all of us who are still here, refusing to run from what we call home.
You people out there who align yourself behind these individuals, should write in their names on the Ballot in March, because I failed to see the names of any of these honorables, noble statesmen on the ballots.
Kinisou ngeni ami chon Chuuk mei nom nukun Chuuk ren ititin ami ekiek ngeni kich ekkei chon pekkus, pekkus ne onokkini tufichin me kinamwein fenuach. Opwe kan omusano ren ach nipwakingaw. Amso Kot epwe pusin etitieochu netipach meinisin sipwe aworaswefani nukunuk me tong nefinach fan iten tongen fenuach.
@INN southern N says
I am a f**kN Chuukese, no doubt about it., I go around telling people including Hawaiians that I am a proud Chuukese., I have no shame being a citizen of Chuuk… I was born a Chuukese, raised a Chuukese and I will die a loyal chuukese..!
You have no freakin right telling me; I am not a true chuukese…what you’re saying is more like a slap in my face…!!
Even though I live in Hawaii for 8 years, I still contributed to our local ( Chuuk ) economy… I traveled 4 times back to Chuuk to visit families…
Over the past 8 years I have helped families back home with ( money) amount estimated over $10.000, and that is me, myself only, not including my family here in Honolulu..
What you’re saying is a total BS…freaking ridiculous.!!!
Just admit, you guys are a bunch of untrustworthy individual…. You guys only after the money so you can: punuweni, tini, ani..!
Shame on you.!!
yourname says
You sorry man you sorry….i am a true chuukese we left chuuk to help our family back home…you need to step down…you don’t know how to lead…the people somebody need to fire sorry &$(&…
2face@2face says
@INN right On!!
don't look back says
Ach we chon amanaw apasa , ngeni Zisar an Zisar, ngeni god an god,
ina popun sipwe jok achocho iotek, pun ii chok a tongeni alisi ika yes ika no…
confused citizen says
Kapas ais???epwe ifa taman mwurin ach kaimwu seni fsm,iwe a wor pwan ekkoch angang epwe suk,ika kawor??? Am kewe aukan asosich ne fiti ach we chuuk state college COM-FSM,ause naf tou seni chuuk ne kuta sukun,epwe kawor ew ach state college,me aupwe pwan chuan neuneu pell grant?? Am kewe au pwupwulu ngni chon ekkewe ekkoch fsm state aupwene ifa usun?? Sisapw pee ika si sona non fan mwun Saini nge ra ni kich. Sisapw riafou ika mwuun Saini a ngeni kich an we alukun “emon semirit ew family”,pwokitan nouch money sipwe ononga on ukukun aramasan chuuk??? Sasingi me nenengeni sipwene ifa,..ifa usun chon chuuk re nomw non kinikinin U.S??chomong kapas ais,kapas aiok,kapah aiok,nge sia jok nuokus mwo ren ach sise wewe…
Winipwos says
Kose mojen kopwe repost this on FB pwe repwe kuna ekena ekoch ir mei need ar repwe aneani mefiom ei… mei enet mei pwan pwung…. COM – COllEGE OF MICRONESIA mwaren ina ach na choice kei mei kan ukungaw ngeni ekenan ekoch sukun
Ochi Tolofa Rapun Nukuto says
I am a chuukese, born in chuuk and raised in chuuk. My main concern is for the people that are going to be victimize by this movement. you leaders cannot tell the truth when you go around and give people your thoughts on why we should be seceding from the FSM. all you ever do is giving the people the good side that you think it will benefit chuuk but never explain it in full details so that the people who does not speak english and write in english can have a clear idea and make their choices. I also know that Chuuk is my home and I am proud of being a chuukese, we are only sick of corruption and greed that has been blinding the leaders.
JMD says
“You people” – WTF – FY10
Pray to ALLAH
If this chuuk secession from FSM, cause my status from US tobe Deported – F#@&
I swear – get ready CHUUK – we’re about to start a Civil War/ Chuukese Revolution.
Chewkisslekiss says
I love chuuk. I am proud to be from Chuuk. But I don’t love what they called “dirty politics”.
Yes we are abroad but we have contributed so much to the economy by sending money back home not to the government but to our love is that bad? Is that bad that we left to look for ways to survive while others are living in luxury?? Nouis wor war taraku nge Kich jon sikun fetan ngeni sukun..why no school bus when so many government vehicles?
atun jok campaign, that’s the only time we see generosity on the road of Chuuk.
Also I see that only relatives get qualified to work in the offices.
Maybe the jobs that you guys mentioned epwe akom ngeni aramasemi ika jiejiemi murin epwap lo ngeni ekkei ese or Nampaar.
Winipwos says
pwan wesen ina ena fos reom pwipwi Chewkiss Lekis
Adriel says
Lol yupp you and the entire CPSC are untrustworhty and incompetent. I’ll never forget what Sabino Asor said in response to the question: “Do we know if US would take us in”, he said: “ina sipwe anean”, meaning that this movement in its entirety is based on wishful thinking and chance, no contact was ever made with US regarding Chuuk’s desire for sovereignty.
And you want to educate us? You can start with those shady MOUs that were conducted outside of our ears. Chuuk is owned by the 1% and their families that corrupt our govt, and speaking of corruption, I think fixing the government is more of a priority than secession.
When chuukese people back home can speak out against certain govt officials without constrainst of fear and family respect, only then will we be ready for an Independence.
tonrez says
LoL.. educating people??? Hang da fuck up!!!!
tonrez says
LoL.. educating people??? Hang da fuck up!!!!
henchy BUALUAY says
His comments are insulting to the people of Chuuk aboard, claiming that they ran away from Chuuk without any significant purposes, denying the people of Chuuk aboard their citizenship right merely because they are not currently residing in Chuuk, and worse of all s just said the opposite.
tonrez says
I AM A PROUD CHUUkese residing in portland, Oregon… i am so proud i get mad when people ask me if im samoan or hawaiian… ESAPW ITA PWE SISE NOMW WON FENUAJ SIA MENLUKALO TONGEN FENUAJ… BY THE WAY NAN MWAN KE MENTION MY UNcle the late RIDIS HELDARt its true an na kol era but, it was composed for the people of NEMA AKA FANEPEU… I AM SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF Myself pwe my DAD was one of the founder of this great nation.. FSM… IT TOOK A Life time for all of them to create dis nation nge ami kena minen nepwinewe fokkun 2yrs..? Plsss…. wat makes u think u can accomplish this in justba few years…??? U must out of yalls mind… creating more jobs??? Plsss…. that is the reason y people are tryn to get out, pwe itelapemi kena nouwis KE PAJ KE TENTO… OU JOK PEEN waalong aramasemi kanna rese mwo nge awesi oj sokkun kinikinin sukul…. ouse tongeni oupwe oumwesi arammas pwe kij meinisin mi silei ekiek.. we know the real intention behind ami kei ekiek…. as i said before.. yalls plss just hang da *#$% up and go independent elsewhere. …
ProudChuukese says
LiozFau says
Just for that one single statement “breaking away would bring back the power we have given the FSM national government over our fisheries…” I said OH HELL NO ! POWER POWER POWER MONEY MONEY MONEY in the hands of these leaders? One major issue here is WE DO NOT TRUST NONE OF YOU! HAAAAA! Oh you called out Chuukese living outside by saying this ? “that we who remain in Chuuk are the real Chuukese who continue to make Chuuk truly ours, our permanent home” B.S.! I’d rather you say this .
: That we who remain in the Chuuk State Government are the real Chuukese who has been and currently and will continue robbing Chuuk over and over and now out of our own greedy minds wants to risk the whole Chuuk and it’s people base of our assumptions and our lies and promise to forever sink our beloved Chuuk!
Miss691 says
Oh well!
Cbossy100%Chuukese says
Mwa Leader, kose pwisin read omw na statement pwe Amen LOUD AND CLEAR??how you discriminate the citizens of Pride Chuukese Opinions.
You sound so demanding and WHY ARE YOU SO UPSET?? Do you have a bad feelings that the movements of secession doesn’t Gonna work out?
And That just about the right population of pride and proud chuukese are not agreed with the secession??pwata ose Chok do what as a leaders Job. Not to be disrespect nge amen pwaano non om kapas pwe ke esita me nanowoiti pwisin chon fonuwom ren met ra accomplished.
Komwan pwisin reverse mefiom kana Ka pwisin kapas ei Ngonuk??
Omw na statement Esapw an emon mei mirit.
THINK FIRST before you make a statement!! From my own perspective, your statement are very disappointment!!
ProudChuukese says
Forgive me ren lamelam tekia .. emi wor ekoch met ke makei that i dont agree with . Ke era pwe ouwa pekus ne aturesii kinamwein me tufichin fonuwach ? Fokun ika ?? Amusano nge I dont belive that part pwun ika ouwa wesen fokun pekus iwe epwe pwano ren ach na pioing , the schools, the roads , the power ( fifi) too many to mention names Ngang jon Chuuk nge i wasnt born at chuuk . But i AM A PROUD CHUUKESE FELLOW . Tufijin ai family e nomw nukun chuuk amusano nge ewer pungun . popun pwun salary non chuuk amen ngaw iwe the only way is to go outside to find a better job and better salary . Ngang mei Anisi Ai family ekena iir mei nomw chuuk way better than the way amii anisir .
A fite years mwirin not all the Weno Road fix maybe few not all . There just so many things I see that are not good on fonuwach and pwan ina pwopwun use wesen tipe ew ngeni mett ke ura . esap ina jhok pwe am kei e nomw nukun chuuk iwe eiwa nemenano fonuacch . BIG NO NO ! So please Reread Met Na Ke MAkei !!!
siwin says
Ennet oh mei fokun pung met na ka era ngang mi fokun agree with u pwe pwata rese kan ekiek nomw iwe ra put there comment bwe sipwe wewefich ngeni,,,sia kan fokun beno ren misimisin me tunomisin ar kapas nge rechok busin en me oturesi ar family me aramaser,,not for all the ppl in chuuk,,,iwe itakan meni ekei iei nge meni ekewe,,,rekan tunomesekis bwe re wiseni ekan wis ren ar pusin wiseni ika???nge rese sinei bwe irr mi no ngeni fonu meinisin ar kampen ar repwe utir,,,,iwe angei chok iei ra wiseni ekei wiz ra kan fokun akamatat nge ii ra nemenono pwe re wiz pun the ppl of chuuk re ngenir repwe wiseni…iwe kan bwan meni ami na mochen opwe INDEPENDENT,,nge ina ese pwak ami opwe fori ekena sukun me pioing,,ese mo oj pwak iei non ei mun F,S,M nge bwata epwene pwak ren ena Republic of chofona sona….iwe fokun okan omusalo ii we don’t agree,ngni ami na okot pun YOUTHAS ena womi we dnt trust any of u guyz.. thankz for ur understanding…….
oshosh kon_691 says
ooops take back what you write here. It shows your level of patience and understanding.. It looks like u are one of the chineses monarchies, Johny you are a secretary of something that wastes a lot of chuukese money. You don’t have to discriminate people for doing nothing except looking for money to support their beloved families. Ita epwe kan or lamwotan ena sokun kapas? kopwe jejemeni pwun esapw nemeniom aramas ren met repwe apasa. Don’t use god’s name for something that is not godly, Ina ami na mojen fanitan met owkieki nge epwe fij. you guys are living in chuuk right now, as leaders, we are living overseas to support families, what are your accomplishments to our state? As a result of being living here outside chuuk, WE HAVE BUILD HOUSES FOR THE FAMILIES, WHICH WE COULDN’T DO IF WE’RE THERE. As leaders how many schools have been renovated? How is our public road there in chuuk?
What accomplishments that have been done to the state? if nothing but words, then nothing,….. no0thing!! but only your words for the worse tomorrow
Ti says
You, Johnny Meippen are a joke!!!! You claim to be an educated man – a so called leader wanting to help the people of Chuuk. It is quite evident that you and this joke of a commission are ill prepared for the barrage of questions (legitimate questions, I might add) from our people, living in Chuuk and abroad.
If your “firion committee” cannot answer honest questions from concerned citizens, then you guys have no business trying to introduce this $hitty idea. You sound pissed because you all got caught with your pants down — you guys are messing with people’s lives here and we have every right to ask questions. Important questions such as
•is there an exit strategy for Chuukese living abroad
•health care – is Chuuk ready to care for all the sick folks living in Hawaii and the mainland ( or is the committee sending them all back to their death beds)
•is the state able to sustain the influx of citizens moving back (schools, jobs … )
You can’t mess with people’s lives and rights and not expect them to have some questions .. and if your answers are a bunch of “anean” and “in a sipwe achocho ngeni..” that is not good enough.
A proud Chuukese living abroad!!!!
Ti says
…by the way, the people you just called out on your FB page do not need to have their names on a ballot in Chuuk to help the people of Chuuk. They are doing their part in helping our people and other fellow Micronesians in Hawaii and abroad. We need selfless individuals that go beyond their comfort to bring awareness to the corruption, and to bring light to all the dark dealings going on behind closed doors — dealings that affects EVERYONE.
You want to play with the big boys (international community) on your own – but you’re not men enough to take criticism and answer tough questions. This is not a flippin’ dictatorship … let’s vote NO and show these boys the door!!!!!
(Turning red with frustration)
siwin says
No no no no I agree………
Ninin says
Ngang chon chuuk, Chaii chan chon chuuk, ai ekiek me ngasngasei ngasngasen chon chuuk ina mwo ika pwe ngang mei nomw won fenuwen emon, ese or sokofesenin ngang me emon e nomw chuuk non am tongei chuuk. However, I understand where you’re coming from. We all call ourselves chuukese then let’s not act like someone else. We speak a language foreign to us and act different like we don’t have a culture, no respect, no values of the core principals that were taught to us from our fathers. Don’t get me wrong I will vote no, because I am not convinced that this movement will result in better future for me and for the people in chuuk. That is my freedom of choice my own free will that I will be exercised on march. But I refuse to comment on the depth of the commission’s knowledge, or how they choose to live their lives. People who understand how these things work address their concern nicely not as non chuukese naming people with hurtful things. Please think before you speak, if you truly think you’re chuukese then act like one! I can see why Meippen would release such hurtful massage to chuukese abroad… we have been doing the same thing too!
politics will always be politics.
David Robinson says
To Johnny Meippen, Secretary of the Chuuk Political Status Commission:
First, I have to say that I am not Chuukese, but that doesn’t mean I do not have a dog in this fight. I have been married to a Chuukese for 35 years; we have three sons, and I, by this union, was grafted into an extended family, stretching from here in Washington State, to Hawaii, Oregon, California, Guam and finally back to Chuuk itself. We have helped many of our brethren, both financially as well as spiritually: they are my family, my people. To you sir, and I say this with great restraint, you are probably one of the most despicable people I have ever come across. To address your brethren, your fellow citizens as “you people” sets you up as a bigot, and elitist: who made you lord and supreme over your fellow citizens? Let us look at facts shall we? I wish to re-post some of them for you now:
“… Jim Stovalli, the legal counsel to the FSM Government who is the foremost expert on the Compact of Free Association (COFA) has issued the following memorandum to President Mori. In it he laid out eight facts to help the average Chuukese voter understand the implications of Chuuk State seceding from the federation with regards to the COFA.
SUBJECT: Compact Implications of Chuuk Secession (Jim Stovalli, III)
DATE: January 27, 2015
In the upcoming March elections there will be a proposition on the ballot in the State of Chuuk for voters to indicate yes or no on Chuuk’s secession from the FSM. This Memorandum examines how provisions of the Compact impact this situation.
A State-appointed Commission in Chuuk has worked on this for the last two years. According to the plan, if the referendum proposition passes, the Chuuk Legislature will pass a law forming a Constitutional Convention leading to formal secession sometime in 2017. The Commission has issued a Final Report, along with earlier information papers.
1. FACT: The Compact will terminate automatically for Chuuk at the moment of secession from the FSM.
The Compact is a treaty between the Government of the US and the Government of the FSM. Title Four, Article VI, Section 461, defines the term, “Government of the Federated States of Micronesia” as “including all the political subdivisions and entities comprising that Government.” Were Chuuk to secede from the FSM, it would no longer be one of the entities “comprising that Government,” and no longer a part of the Compact in any way. The Compact is not a separate and divisible agreement with every State and local entity, it is a treaty with the FSMG. Absent that, the new Government of the Republic of Chuuk has no relationship whatever with the United States, subject to what it may wish to, or be able to negotiate.
2. FACT: Compact Funding to former Chuuk State would not Transfer to the Republic of Chuuk.
This would be an automatic consequence of the fact that the Republic of Chuuk is not a party to the Compact. Any changes to the Compact funding structure or amount would require US Congress legislation.
3. FACT: U.S. Federal Programs in Chuuk pursuant to the Compact would be withdrawn.
This, also, is because Federal Programs must be specifically authorized by US law, and these are either specifically provided by the Compact, or otherwise specifically extended to FSM by law. Chuuk would not any longer be included within the definition of “Federated States of Micronesia.” Therefore, all US programs, including those in education (Pell Grant, among others) and health, postal, weather, telecommunications, emergency and disaster assistance, FAA, CAB, and FDIC would disappear.
4. FACT: Compact Immigration status of Chuuk citizens in the U.S. would terminate automatically, upon secession.
The privileges referred to above, which include the right to work, study and reside in the US, are provided by Title One, Article IV of the Compact. Since the Compact would no longer apply to citizens of the new Republic of Chuuk, they would all find themselves without status in the US and be forced to depart. Former Chuukese holding US citizenship (FSM does not recognize dual citizenship) would not be subject to deportation.
5. FACT: Title Three of the Compact, delegation of Security and Defense Rights to the U.S., would no longer apply in the territory of the new Republic of Chuuk.
The delegation of the sovereign responsibility for security and defense made in the Compact by FSM to US and in the standby Mutual Defense Treaty, would no longer apply to the new Republic of Chuuk. It would be up to the new government of the Republic of Chuuk either to provide for its own security or negotiate security relationships with others. The value of such rights for Chuuk alone, in 2015, is not known.
6. FACT: Chuuk’s entitlement, if any, to assets of the Compact Trust Fund would be difficult and time-consuming to quantify.
The Compact Trust Fund Agreement would no longer apply to Chuuk. The Agreement makes no allocation of Trust Fund assets among the States and no provision for partial liquidation. So, if the Republic of Chuuk would have any entitlement at all, it would require complex discussions between the United States, the FSM and the new Republic of Chuuk that would take some significant amount of time. Implementation of any result would require US and FSM legislation.
7. FACT: A variety of benefits extended to FSM not in the Compact but in US Public Law 108-188 (The Amended Compact Act) would no longer be extended to Chuuk.
These would include things like the Investment Development Fund (IDF), EDA, USDA, RUS, Commerce Dept., Small Business Administration, Labor (Job Corps), and various programs in marine resource development.
8. FACT: Negotiations by a new Republic of Chuuk for a separate relationship with the United States and with other countries would be time-consuming, based on past experience.
It took from 1969 through 1982 to negotiate the original Compact, and from 1981 through 1985, to negotiate the various programs and services agreements. All the while, the TT apparatus remained in place and functioning. After TT termination, FSM could rely on Compact income while it pursued its various foreign relations. Similarly, during the four-year period of negotiations for the Amended Compact FSM had assured Compact funding. In light of that, one must ask whether the schedule posited by the Chuuk Commission (2017) is achievable given all the things listed above that will cease to apply on the day of secession. The new Republic of Chuuk will require an unbroken income stream from and after 2017…”
My dear brethren, citizens of Chuuk – look at your proud history. You have fought and weathered many attacks upon your people – all throughout your history you defended your land – from slavers, from the whalers that brought disease and destruction: You survived the Spanish, the Germans, the Japanese, and the Americans that tried to tear you from your land. True, due to economic times, many of you left Chuuk to support yourselves and those you left behind, but one thing is true – you did not stop being Chuukese. You are tied to your history, to your land. The islands of the FSM are not some small remote spot in the ocean – they are your home, your families, they are a future for those who are yet to come. But can you survive the lying and the thieving by your own people who say they speak in your interest? I will tell you this – you cannot survive getting in bed with the Chinese – they will rape your land and enslave your people. Those who think they can initiate back-door deals with the Godless Communists of China are doing so only to line their own pockets, not yours. Those who say they want to control their own waters for fisheries are lying to you – the Chinese want your fish – they have one billion people to feed – they don’t give a damn about the Chuukese. Every nation that has gotten into bed with the Chinese has lost – what Japan did to you in World War 2 is nothing compared to what the Chinese will do. They will bulldoze your land, tear down your homes and build casinos; they will open your land to foreign buyers and you will be forced from your ancestral land – the graves of your loved ones will be dug up and their spirits will wander without a final resting spot. Your waters will be polluted, and you will be third class citizens in your own land – this is what the so-called “leaders” like Johnny Meippen and the Chuuk Political Status Commission have in store for you if you allow them to tear you away from the safety of being united with ALL Micronesians. You only have to look to the Marshall, to see what is coming your way – look at Kwajalein to see how the the locals are treated by a “benevolent” government – to the shame of the United States. But the US isn’t China – you all will fare no better under their thumb than you did under the rule of the Japanese. The system can work for you, but you have to find leaders who are strong and brave enough to make it work for all Chuukese within the framework of the COFA and the FSM constitution – not just let the few get all the benefit. Can you survive the enemies in your own camp?
Brethren of Chuuk, make your voice heard. Demand to know what law, what statute, what legal-controlling authority the Chuuk Political Status Commission has to ram this down your throats. It is not better to go at it alone – those that want you too do not care about you – they insult your brethren they mock those that under the COFA have come to America for a chance to do better; they mock those that have joined the military and given their all for the ideals of freedom. By mocking one of you, they mock all of you. Tell them NO! Then do the hard work, and get these enemies of your people out of office and work together for a better Federated States and a better Chuuk. Only by holding these men and women accountable for their lies and mis-direction can you truly make the best decisions for all Chuukese, there and abroad. I wish you luck my brethren Any help I can give you, I will. Don’t let them destroy what God gave you – fight for Chuuk – all the Chuuk Political Status Commission is fighting for is the dollars of Godless Communists that you, the people of Chuuk, will never see. Tell these so called leaders you cannot be bought. May God be with you all.
Kayla says
Thank you so much for sharing all of that because I really don’t get it but when I read all you comment I understand it clearly.
Fuffun Stephen Manuere says
Thank you very much David Robinson. Thank you for your love of your extended family and posting your concerns and your views. It is quiet sad what my Unlce’s have been posting/spreading. I am very saddened that we are being labeled as “LAY people” as abandoners of our island.because we have sought out better opportunities to help our families as well as ourselves.
I will speak for myself. I have read about this CPSC ROC movement and it is a shock just to think about the benefits that we have been reaping from living here in the U. S. as FSM citizens to be taken away from us Chuukese citizens. The first question that popped in my head was, “Is Chuuk getting something better?” Then the chain of questions just continued and continued. I have already voiced my concerns on my FB by sharing some of the ads I have seen regarding this CPSC ROC movement. I am thankful that our Honorable President Manny Mori has supported me with my concerns. That made it clear to me that I am not misunderstanding this whole movement. While I am not greatly supported by my dearest family members living in Chuuk and God know’s where else (shurgs), I still stand firm by my vote of “NO”. Main reason is I am married to a U. S. citizen and my 3 kids are U. S. citizens as well. I was given false information when I had reached out to one of the CPSC members regarding my family status. I am the only FSM citizen and where do I stand after this Chuuk seccession passes? I was given information that CPSC has already spoken to the U. S. Embassy regarding Chuukese in my situation and that we should not fear because the immigration status has already been addressed and cleared that it will stand the same when Chuuk Micronesia becomes ROC. I am thankful that I have found out the truth just a few days later.
Anyhow, letters like this show that our leaders do not care for the Chuukese abroad. That the ones in Chuuk are being labeled as “Lay people” and thought of as illiterate to the point that educating them on this issue is complicated and a waste of time. Which of course leads to one thing only. CPSC is only on the “lookout for their own benefit”. Sad but true.
Truth says
Thank you I clearly understood why I should vote NO.
bersy sauder says
Johnny Maipen kosapw era Chuukese ra suseni Chuuk for no reasons. Aramas ra touu nukun Chuuk faniten osupwangen fonuwach. Dysfunctional Government…iei met a aworato an aramas ra touu nukun Chuuk. Ousapw ura Chuukese in the U.S. re uungeni ami na movement. Pwe iei met ngang won inisi mei kuna pwe jomong feioch me angangen moni sia tongeni kuna, ach tou seni Chuuk. Iei popun ach oput ami oupwe oumwesi aramas pwe repwe filata och metoch sipwe mefi osupwang ren. Itakan wewen nge fonuwemi chek me ouwa kan penoo ne tumunuw Chuuk while am kei nomw lukun chuuk, nge ina ese mwo nge tori chon SUKUN nour kana monien Scholarship, pun met emwaren moni ee torolong seni Merica, ami kana nouwis ouwa angei chek nouni. Ita pwada epwe kan wor monien ami independent, nge ina ouu mwo nge nouni monien sukun. Bible mei afata pwe ika sisapw olukuluk lon metoch mi kisikis, sise dongeni pwal alukuluk won met mi lapalap. Ifa usun ami apasa pwe tou seni fsm, kich mei ok, metoch meinisin epwe continuing base on benefits kich mei entitled for through F.S.M? This is one of sabinos verbal message ngeni aramas. Mi mwan. Ew watten feiengaw me osupwang epwe kuu kich meinisin tori ach kewe family lon chuuk. Ousapw fen ita asongakemi nooo won aami na pwopusen plan ese ii or e mojen vdiikemi ne KONANI CHUUK pwe oupwe tingor fetan noumi moni.
FDsakate says
Kapwong ngonuk pwipwi ammafen Johnny, pwan ngeni chienom meinisin won omw na commission. Nge akkaewin ai kapwong ngeni chiechiach chon Chuuk meinisin..akkauchean ami chienei mi wewengaw ren ei ommwokut ren ach ei commission.
Iwe mwa Johnny…met ei ren ngingingawen mefiom kei. En me chuenom ousapw tipingeni am chon Chuuk nukun pwe am angangaw ika tipekinikin ngeni met manawen neniach Chuuk. Ururun pwe ami oupwe nikituu non ami fetan ika ekiek fan iten noumi aramas. Met pwopwun epwan or ngingiin kunetipingen reom. Tipisin ion ren nafongawen wewe me mirit ren ami ei affetan? Ouwa kuna ukkukun ekkei tipefesen me wewengaw ra pwopwuta seni ami angangaw ne awewei pwopwun me wewen sipwene imwuuseni FSM. Tipei chok nge pwokiten ami sou mirit me sou emmwen epwe chok nonnopok ami enenia aramasen Chuuk ina mwo ika tipefesen ekkoch, towaw ekkoch, wewengaw ekkoch, tiparoch ekkoch, ika nipwakingaw.
In short, its pretty amazing how you and some of your commission members seem to gradually be drawn to fingerpointing by insinuating faults with those opposing your plan rather than do more to make your points stick. Cmon…no pressure here, dont expect Chuukese people to simply take your words on this…thats not how this works. Try again.
Tony Romo says
They need to realize that times have changed. The days of easily manipulating the Chuukese people are long gone.
Maemae says
Tirow wom Johnny Meippen,but you are going on about this all wrong.
We didnt leave our island for no reason..We left to seek medical health that we cant find in chuuk, we left to seek better education that we cant get in chuuk, we left to find jobs that we cant get in chuuk, because like you mention in your statement of the mess in chuuk.but whose fault is that?.it aint my families fault so why do you easily point in our faces and say the mess we left behind?..atleast we never forget home we send thousands of our money to chuuk.not to disrespect but if you “our so-called leaders” use our share of money properly there wont be any mess.ika met?..
People are not putting their trust and faith in our leaders now adays..because they use neun chon chuuk money for their benefits but not the people. And I believe them. Because chuuk should have good condition roads, more n more staffs in their hospital n also clean hospital. Books and computers in their schools,and job openings for all unemployees..
So repost again but do not offend us chuukese abroad.its not our fault and you know it. we didnt make a mess on chuuk and Leave.
Kriz says
First of all, I’m a Chuukese LIViNG in Chuuk who’s very much opposed to the idea of an independent Chuuk. I live in Chuuk, I work in Chuuk, and yes, I can easily identify Chuuk’s many problems. Mr. Meippen, when you say, “You people” who exactly are you referring to? You are forgetting, Sir, that our fellow islanders living abroad are also those adding to the local economy. You are forgetting that they are out there to support the fAmilies living in Chuuk. Who are you, exactly, to assume they “RAN” away? Last time I checked they bring 5 to 6 million dollars per year to the local economy. Let’s not also forget, you guys say you’re doing this for the people of Chuuk, so again, who are you referring to as “YOU PEOPLE”? Do keep in mind Mr.Meippen, The people living abroad have the exact same rights as those of us actually living in Chuuk!
Secondly, let me remind u, Sir, national waters equal 1.3 million sq. miles, if Chuuk secedes it goes down to 200 nautical miles, how much exactly would we be getting then? Have u thought about that? Because really, from the looks of things, you are in it for the money YOU the members of the CPSC will gain. Let’s not forget, during your 6 or less months as the Director of The Department of Marine Resources the only thing that changed within the budget was your salary…no surprises there. Then you leave a mess behind for others to come in and clean up after you. What exactly does that imply?
Lastly, all you guys have been doing is making assumptions without guarantees, how can you expect the people to put their faith into that? You have already used $600,000 or more on your travels to so called educate the people of Chuuk living abroad, but is it really education you’ve all been doing or rather, telling people to vote yes, and giving pathetic reasons as to why they should? Really, Sir, if you want to be a leader then show it, because what we’ve witnessed so far is a bunch of greedy guys in it to benefit, without thoughts of the people and what they may gain or lose.
Nethon, KN says
That seems to be all there is to it. The meetings they’ve conducted haven’t been as productive as I’d hope it’d be. There isn’t any supporting evidence at all to show the potential of Chuuk independence. It seems like they’re nothing more than just assumptions.
Jenn says
bersy sauder says
Really, they’ve said that, to come out here to educate us?No educating, campaigning. 1-5 people that are actually got the chance to ask questions, but they got the microphone all the hours at the meeting. Majority of the people left, cause they got tired of listening to their speech.
sasuk says
Fane says
Who the hell are yhu to tell me i am not a damn Chuukese!
Ren chok ami meinisin oupwe ffat! I can be more Chuukese than all yhu people in here! I may be raised abroad ika nukun Chuuk, nge ai famili ika ai aramas ir mi akaitiei ëreniach kewe seni nōmw tori ikelai. Infact i am Umanese! Fonuen ëreni, Assamwōn, fönuen fairo!! I was raised with traditional Chuukese customs in and around the house! I know where i stand and sit! Do yhu? No ! Yhu just think yhu better because yhu is what yhu are? But thats all because of yo famili!
Kilisou chaapwur! Ina mefiei!
T'Nel Takayoshi Mori says
Wow…sir…(Mr. Meippen)….i am rendered speechless by your statements….i know that you are passionate about the idea of Chuuk becoming independent and you are steadfast in your believe that this is the right direction that Chuuk needs to take……but sir…..if i may share a few humble words with you……i was hoping that as a would be able to embrace debate…debate is not a bad thing..because it always brings to light certain views that were not considered in the gives the people leading and the people following a better view of things…and when deciding on serious..history making…life altering changes in this world….debate needs to be practiced…it is a good thing and not a bad one..secondly sir… have just succeeded in offending the majority..if not all of the proud Chuukese men and women who you…are in great need of…you need these people to say “YES” and yet the statements made by you have done nothing but offend and belittle them… a leader (someone who leads) must always take time to listen to the people you are trying to lead…and as a must always be ready to compromise…for that is the true essence of politics..not this dirty tricks politics that we are accustomed to today…but to compromise for peace and not for war…for unity to a cause and not division….i myself am a proud Chuukese…i love my island and my people…and i happen to live abroad…but that does not make me any less Chuukese than my people still living in Chuuk…..and sir…even though i do not support Chuuk seceding from our federation…i will pray for you and the commission…because…if there is one thing that i am most proud of…other than being a Chuukese…is the fact that i follow Jesus….and as a follower of our Lord…i will pray for you…i will pray for the commission and all of the great people of Chuuk and Micronesia….thank you and God bless 🙂
john patis says
Johnny Maibben,I can see the looks on you face as you wrote your comments.That looks of being humilated and defeted..Johnny and your peers failed the voters of this NPROC big time…You failed on every edges n corners of the spetrum.Just admited be a man…Let me ask You Again the same question I asked You at the so call educational hearing here in Guam At the Guam High School.The very first meeting with 15+Chuukese and I was one of them.I was the one with very Big mouth..did I get ur attention now??? is it…DID YOU AND YOUR PEERS EVER GET COMPESIATED OR GIVING MONEY,OR HAD RECEIVED MONEY FROM DOING THE HEARINGRS??..I dont need your smartass comments just answer me Yes or No….to be continued….
Interested and Concerned says
Good decisions are based on assessing the risks and benefits of secession. If the risks outweigh the benefits, then the decision to secede is not a sound one. In fact, it’s considered gambling and the biggest losers would be the people of Chuuk. If you want to persuade the people to see your point, truthfully identify the risks and benefits of secession. I’m sure the people of Chuuk to include those living abroad have the life-skills to make the right decision. Bashing Chuukese living abroad is not even relevant to the secession decision-making process. Stick to identifying risks and benefits as these are the issues that need to be addressed in the decision-making process. History tells us that there is nothing wrong with Chuukese living abroad. Just look at the Koreans and Filipinos who went abroad to seek better lives through education and opportunities and became good will ambassadors for their father lands and helped build their successful economies.
Brian Dickson, Legislative Counsel says
Thank you for your rational response. It is so easy to let emotions run away with our sense of reason in matters like this. I am the legal counsel for the Chuuk State Legislature, and I am aware of both sides of the issue. The Commission has failed to provide accurate figures to support their claims of added economic benefit, and that is unfortunate.
However, I became aware that the national government does not treat all states equally, and it has been difficult to get our road completed, mostly due to the national government. Chuuk is not a party to that contract and has no rights to the road until it is finished.
One benefit to the secession debate is that the FSM Congress passed an amended split to revenue shares that grants the states 20% more of that money.
The real issue is independence, not money. If Chuukese voters approve that, the work begins to name delegates to the council that will set the agenda for a Constitutional Convention. A new Constitution must be written, and I hope that the new one takes Chuukese culture and values into account when structuring the new government. The present constitution mirrors that of the US. It works for Americans, but that is a different place and culture. Chuuk can do better.
Then Chuuk must negotiate with the FSM government to leave amicably. There is no provision in the FSM Constitution for secession (nor is there in the US or nearly all other constitutions). Chuuk must also negotiate with the US government to shift its part of the Compact funds, and in fact establish a new Compact, with nearly identical provisions as the current one. This will take time, and secession will not occur until it is done.
Chuukese living outside Chuuk need not fear that they will be deported. The US has over 9 million illegals, with more arriving each day, and they cannot deal with the numbers. 20,000 Chuukese, who entered legally are not a focus for Immigration. A new Compact could actually add benefits; some employers in the US don’t realize that COFA residents are entitled to work without green cards, but the US doesn’t make that information readily available.
No responsible leader in Chuuk will allow the scary consequences that Stovall wrote about to occur. We are not under a time limit, and secession will occur when we choose. BTW, before you accept all those “facts”, consider that Mr. Stovall receives a 6-figure income from advising the FSM government. Surely you don’t think his article is objective.
Think about this issue. The issue is independence. The issue is change. If you don’t trust your officials, change them when you vote. Stay active on Chuukese affairs, as you are doing on the issue of independence, and hold their feet to the fire until you have a government that fully responds to the needs of the people. And don’t think that having an FSM government overseeing that of Chuuk means that corruption will disappear; that comes from the people, not government.
Vid Raatior says
With due respect, you are just as irresponsible as the commissioners. How can you tell Chuukese citizens for whom you work not to worry about deportation because the US Government cannot catch us given the “9 million other illegals.” You are a lawyer? My Chuuk State government is paying YOU (like the FSM Government is paying Stovall) to advise our political leaders in the Chuuk State Legislature? How much are YOU getting overpaid by my government to provide such ridiculous, immoral, illegal, and non-sensical illegal advise to my leaders? How can you fool the citizens of Chuuk in the US not to worry about being illegal in the US simply because there are 9 million others that have to be caught before us? YOU, sir, are no better than the commissioners for giving Chuukese citizens false hopes. You are basically telling Chuukese citizens in the US that we would be the additional 20,000 “illegals” to join the 9 million who have yet to be caught by the US Homeland Security Administration. In what online catalog did you order your law degree? And who taught you morals? And why are we paying you to misadvise us?
Mike P says
What a completely inappropriate way of addressing the immigration concerns. Are you going to be there to defend them and help their families when one of them has to renew their driver’s license and runs into an immigration issue? Are you going to be there to support the families and dependents when their parents are taken into custody of Homeland Security when one of them has to go to court for a simple infraction? I live in AZ and experience the difficulties as it stands now for FSM citizens even with a legal status and compact that has been in existence for many years. The hardships to come about by trying to re-invent the wheel is going to be like none other.
Mr. Dickson, it is understandable that you will defend and support this movement as they are your employer, but your remarks are completely out of line with giving sound legal advice. I am curious as to what the OK bar association would have to say about your advice as it pertains to supporting an illegal status in the US.
Fan-Cool says
You are dead wrong..!!
The issue is not the FSM national, it is definitely chuukese ( politicians) and how they raped Compact Funds..!
The FSM did try their efforts to afloat Chuuk, however local politicians failed to do their parts..
ex. The land problem…
Transparency of public funds..Sabino-Commission chairman, in other post said; Congresman Bonsiano Fasi Nethon will bribe you with Beer, sack of rice, turkey-neck, plane tickets, sewing machine and etc..for you ( chuukese ) to vote ” Yes” on the secession idea as well as for Bosiano Fasi Nethon in the FSM congress..!
So the problem is not with the FSM…
Chuukese are not mistreated…
We ( chuukese ) are corrupt and good at abusing All government systems..
Brian Dickson, I think you know better than that.!
john patis says
Why not amending the Writing Vote for canditates?.why is that Chuuk State is not allowing Writing Vote?I like to see that change in the Legislature to allow it or become PL..We need to see that be giving the Voters more choices on electing Leaders..My Brother Vid did turned his Application in for the Ditector of Education when it was open..Vid was fighting hard for the Education Reform in Chuuk then and still doing so..You need to stop pointing fingers for your own poor leadership.Are you in a state of missleading the Legislature and Voters?.Are you capable submiting or falsifing documents to the Legislature and the Voters?.Let me ask you again,,Where is the Blue Print of these NPROC?.Mr:Maibben,you are advancing your personal intrests on this Indepentent movement but not the well being of the Chuukese Voters and the whole population of Chuuk..Where all this money come from to fund this NPROC???..Let me ask you this,,,what have you done for the state of Chuuke beside being a Lawyer?.Did you aware of any corrupted leaders or abuse of power in Chuuk?Do me a favor,put your Name up for Govenor of Chuuk and lets see how you can lead..ooops..Sorry.if you get elected…Till then,stick to your profeson..Dan and Vid are not going anywhere.We are here for the Chuukese that are less fortune….cheers! !!
Chuuk Republic says
If Chuuk becomes an independent nation this is what they will have.
1.. Chuuk will create their own constitution, immigration laws, allies with other countries without any restrictions.
2. Chuuk will have a seat in the United Nation.
3. Unlimited investors that will make Chuuk a prime location for vacationers.
4. If the Palauans can do it, why can’t the chuukese?
Lets face it. What Chuuk has in terms of support from the FSM Government/U.S. Government isn’t enough. Chuuk has been within the FSM umbrella since 1986 and nothing has changed.
So chuukese need to seriously reconsider if they want their grand children to be in the same situation they are now or take the risks for better opportunities. Can it get any better? It sure can.
Bottom line, something needs to change or Chuuk will remainethe same forever. These leaders are trying to give chuuk an opportunity to be better. It maybe unfavorable now with the lack of support but in the long run Chuuk can enjoy the benefits. It will be a long journey but a journey worth taking.
I believe the Chuukese that are off-island did their best to put themselves and their families in a better situation and that’s fine. What these leaders are trying to do is to put the people of CHuuk that are living in Chuuk in a better situation because they don’t have the ability or the means to take relocate. They shouldn’t be faulted for that like the other chuukese who made the decision to relocate. If sending money to families in chuuk is enough in the eyes of a few then the people who believe and have hopes and dreams that CHuuk can do better on its own then take the risks. But just saying NO because a few are comfortable with the situation that they are in is unfair. GIve the others living on island an opportunity to stay home and be better. For the offisland chuukese, need to put your Chuuk pride hat on and provide some positive feedbacks that will help Chuuk move forward in the right direction. Do not give up the fight for a BETTER CHUUK!.
Fuffun Stephen Manuere says
Chuuk Republic, why don’t you use your real name on here as I do. No masks, no scarves, no sunglasses, no bandana.
What makes you so sure that this whole Chuuk secession is to benefit the people living in Chuuk? If they go to Chuuk High School and respond to the student’s concerns categorizing them as “Lay people” it is quiet complicated to explain the depths of this whole movement, then what makes you think the “Lay people” of Chuuk would want to cast a vote in support of this whole movement? They make it quiet clear that the ones that are opposing or still have unclear views on this movement are nothing but a waste of time. Have they reached out to the ones that have zero education from educational institutions? I don’t think so. If you really think these CPSC members are really on the “lookout” for Chuukese citizens living in Chuuk, what have they done so far for the people in Chuuk? Name one benefit to the local Chuukese that has come from this CPSC? Why don’t they lead by example? Why don’t they give the Chuukese in Chuuk something concrete? Then maybe, elaborate more on their responses to the Chuukese abroad. But first and foremost, everything given out should be HONEST from these members. Most of the information they have been given out is mostly FALSE. I’m not surprised.
If the Palauan’s can do it, why can’t the Chuukese? Geographically speaking, we don’t have what Palau has to offer their tourists. While Chuuk may have some of the same things as Palau because it is also an island in the South Pacific, the problem lies with Legislature. “That’s my land”.” No! That’s my father’s land”. “Like Hell it is! That’s my Mom’s land from her maternal Grandfather”. Can we bring in more outside businesses like bigger hotels or more airlines carrier with this land issue? Once business owners hear about that, they would not want to waste a second breath on that proposition.
chuuk republic says
Aunty fuffuun, regardless of who I am fact is…chuuk needs changes not just in terms of politicians but in terms of chuuk as a whole. A few select chuukese families are fortunate enough to have the means and opportunity to relocate for better opportunity and education. What about those of us that don’t have the means ? we are stuck on this island doing our best to survive. We just want an opportunity to do what is right for our grandchildren so we can benefit with better jobs and education system. It won’t be easy but it’s a step forward and there will be alot and changes ahead. By electing to be independent we have total control of our number one resource that other countries need. Fisheries. We can keep all the revenues locally to benefit the few that are here. By having our own constitution we will be allowed to have investors come in and build hotels, resturants, and etc which will create jobs for everyone instead of a select few who are fortunate enough to have a businesses. There are unlimited opportunities that can benefit all of chuuk and her people here and aborad. It will create competition among business which will benefit the people of chuuk. We all need to step out of our comfort zone a me embrace any changes that will benefit our grandchildren because doing nothing and remain th4 same is not an option and it’s totally unacceptbale. If it’s leadership that u don’t agree with then vote them out but don’t say NO to change because of an individual. Challenge yourself and be a part of the movement. Domo arigato.
Jayson says
You didn’t reply to the land issue and yet give promoises of businesses. How can we start without solving the land issue?
chuuk republic says
Regarding the land issue, the only people who have problems are the ones that have a hidden agenda and want to create chaos to create an opportunity for personal gains and have serious issues and or disagreement with the village chiefs. Each village Chief knows what property belongs to what family. In our culture and here in chuuk , each village Chief is the leader. When there is a problem the village Chief is there To mediate and find solutions. When you relocate off island you start to learn a different culture and set of rules which will sometimes lead to an idea that the rules and laws you grew up with and your roots are wrong. People just need to let each village Chief to resolve land issues within their village and have it documented.
Nethon, KN says
I am all in for a “change”. Chuuk is in a delicate, fragile situation now (politically, economically, geographically, etc.) If we want change, however, we need to unite the people. Without the people there is no government, there is no us, there is no Chuuk. The way these government officials are going about with this movement is not very encouraging. I don’t have the slightest clue as to why they are seeking independence. Why are we seeking independence now? What is or are the pushing factors? They say it’s time for a change, but WHY? I’m always stressing that they need to present evidence to educate us, the people, about the potential of an independent Chuuk. Why do we need independence? What are their supporting factors/ evidence to indicate our need for such a movement? How do they know that the fisheries are going to work? How do they know that other nations would lend a helping hand? Where and what are these unlimited opportunities? How are these unlimited opportunities going to work and be maintained? How are we going to improve the educational system and other important infrastructures? How would it affect citizenship? Employment opportunities? We need history reports, like audits and such; how is or was money managed, how much did previous fisheries make, how did the tourism aspect perform, and so on. Our officials need to educate us on things like such. I don’t believe it’s too much to ask for. We look up to the government officials because they have a better understanding of the many aspects of government, politics and such.
I would support an independent Chuuk if I am convinced that it would only benefit all Chuukese citizens living in Chuuk and abroad. As of now, I am not fully convinced that we can survive independently. We shouldn’t rush such a delicate matter.
tonrez says
who ever u are..
The reason y chuuk never changed e feito seni ena corrupted govt… nemin or atenan… there is nothing wrong with dis movement nge fokkun ei timing a men ngaw…. u think negotiation is as simple as that??? As i always say it took a lifetime for our forefathers ne atures le kuta kinamwen fenuaj.. nge e jok fokkun took a couple of years an ekei repwe fori?? We need more time……. use luku pwe president Mori e jok okonut lon an nan office pwe i mi pwal oturesi kinamwen FSM murin 2023… re fosun tou pwe ren ewe division ren fund lefilen ekewe states… Cmon.. there are like how many regions in our beloved chuuk??? Dont u think it will still be da same?? Everybody will want something from the govt… for me there is no difference….. CHUUK ESE FOKKUN NAF NGENI INDEPENTEND
Inyourface@Corsi Tx says
Wooow’,,,Mr. John,,,it seems like you were offended by the “Chuukese abroad”,,,what they did to you,,,,as a leader ,,you need to humble yourself and fully equipt with enthusiasm,,,a word before you open your mouth,,,think twice before a word spoken,,,you want these people to say,,YES,,and yet the statements made by you have nothing in it but hurting people s feeling,,,need to compromise peace not war,,,,,,sir,,,stop looking at that amount of money they offer,,,looked at your own fellow chuukese people nd your beautiful island of chuuk,,,,sir,,, there is a tense of yesterday,today and tomorrow,,,,,,ya’ll leaders in chuuk dug up a big hole yesterday and today ya’ll blame the chuukese abroad,,,,that don’t make any sense at all,,,,,,,,,,,can’t filled up that big hole,,,,yet ya’ll comes up with a stupid idea to sold the island of chuuk. To a independent communist government to fill up that hole,,,,if that so,,,better sold yourself and your family if you will survived,,,,,,,,,sir think about tomorrow the chuukese young generation,,,,,I say,,,,,NO..
RightBackAtYou says
dEAR Mr.Johnny Meippen
Thank You for Helping me make up my mind On The succession of state . Oh Yeah And Comes March There Will A Big Huge Black Ink > NO < On My & My Family & Relatives & Friends Ballet . Thanks Again ! And For The Record I didnt Ran Away But Forced Out By All The dirty Politics That Has Been Going On Back Home !
john patis says
Chuuk Republic,just for your information,,we are not against the idea of become independent state.All we want is, to put a hold on this while we better educate our self on how we tackle the benefactor for the whole Chuukes State and it people..This Idea of separation from the Unified Federation is a very big challenge for all of us.Chuukese..The commission are NOT given us the reality of their Intention on how we can get all the right remedies for this Movement….The commission are not doing their full investigation and studies on this matter..They keep telling us that ‘Our national Gov.(FSM) is holding our money or funding to get Chuuk moving ahead.They want total control of the fishing fee. If we become Independent and have all what we need,Chuuk State will remains worst than ever…Why?. Let me use the Fishing fee for an example. First, we have to find investors who is willing to fish in Chuuk waters..2.,The united nation or international water zoon (EZ) In FSM theirs two type of zones.The State have 12miles zoon.FSM National have 200 miles zoon. Most of the harvesting fishing in FSM is not in the Chuuk 200 Zoon…To go be on the 200 EZ we have to registered our ship and pay the fees to fish in others EZ…Chuukse will find its self being isolated and every thing will be impossible to back tracks.3..Do we Chuukese have assurance from the USA or any Countries that wiling to take us under their wings?4.Whos willing to negotiate with US?. We need to stop compare our Chuukese self to that of Palau State…Palau is a member of the COFA just like FSM and ROMI…If am not mistaken, Palau and Marshall are using almost the identical compact of FSM….Where is the Blue Print of this NEW PEOPLE REPUBLIC OF CHUUK??Where is it? do we have one?..Sisop tongeni fetal fan itan ach sipe Anean,ARERE, are ika ina sipe pii. ika tungor.We must have a solid assurance from who that may be to step in and take Chuuk under their wings. Till then we don’t have Come March 3 2015 I humbly ask you my fellow Chuukese to vote NO….Kamarhuk Rhuuk….
…. .
chuuk republic says
Yes I totally agree. Keep an open mind and welcome any debate so we can move ahead. If time and more information is needed then the committee needs to get rolling and provide all the answers And welcome any changes needed. But to totally have a close mind about it is injustice to chuuk and her people.
Najoo says
Dang! Mr.Meipen u just thinking about yourself u didn’t even care about ur families and frineds. And forcing us to vote yes?? OMG!
Johnmark says
First Of All What Is Your Exact Plan When All The Chuukese Residents Not Living in Chuuk Return Home ?? Do You Have Enough Funds To Maintain The Extra Thousands Migrating Back Home ?? I Mean You Can’t Even Maintain The Population Now & You Want To Educate Us About Chuuk Standing Up As An Independent State ??
As Of Today Chuuk Is Under All The Support And Assistants From The United Stated Because Of The Compact Impact For Being A Free Associate To The U.S . I Have Not Heard Of Any Chuuk Government Assistant To The Public. I Mean How Do You Plan To Take Care Of All Chuukese People In The World ?
On Behalf Of My Parents Whom Are FSM Citizens Whom Migrated To Guam For A Better Living ; Reason Being That They Seek For Something You Could Not Offee, Which Is The Best Education & Jobs.
On Behalf Of Myself I Am A Graduate Of The Guam Community College With A Bachelor’s In Engineering Who Could Not Get A Job In Chuuk Because I Was Not A Graduate From C.O.M Chuuk . So What Kind Of Career Would I Be Able To Persue If I Never Attended School In Chuuk ?
So Get Your Shit Together !! & Enlighten Me On How Exactly Do You Plan To Take Care Of Chuuk As An Independent When You Can’t Even Fix The Roads and Hospital When Chuuk Is Still United With FSM ?
Bunch Of Crooks Who Are Just Looking At The Money !! Don’t Compare Your Love For Chuuk To Money Because Your Money Will Run Out !!
Vid Raatior says
It’s taken me a while to come to terms with the idea that Mr. Meippen who accepted an appointment to be a public servant to work for the Chuukese people carries such viewpoints about the very people he set out to help. I hope you read my post in which I responded to Mr. Meippen trying to take the higher rooad:
Concerned says
Does anyone else think that after this, CPSC will not allow Chuukese living abroad to vote? Just thinking….
rekupas esekupas says
just for your information, a fis ew mwich non ach we gym SCDC 2/3/2015 ewe VJAD commission a wisen awora an ewe chuuk reform commission repwe aweweii popun me wewen ach sipwe ne tou seni FSM nge esemwo tori atun kapaseis nge ra fen walk out met sipe era ren eii sakun leaders ren Johnny Meippen , karsom Ennte me Jamse F. met a fis ?????? met iir mi tongei chuuk ika wechei chuuk??
This is bull#$%* I live in kansas city missouri I’m still a real true chuukese…..
Johnmark says
Go Go Bwiih Tell Em Suxohz
Fan-Cool says
There is absolutely madness in your message…total disturbing…
You are taking it personally instead of a politically professional response to our ( opposers) comments…
Can’t handle the heat.? You were supposed to train to handle argumentative comments like ours…if you have no skills or never been trained to handle the heat,then you’re disqualified…
Shame on you.!!
Soiter says
Tirow Wom Nan Neuwis Nge Kopwe Jemeni Pwe Aramas Re Ngnk Omw Na Sea Non Office Pwan Ir Jon Angei Sonuk. Esapw Seni Met Ai Ei Ura Eii Nge Seni Ai Kuna Non Mesen Omw Mak Pwe Kose Weweitii Ititin Omw Fos Esapw An Emon Mwan Mirit Pwun Anon Emon Ese Sisikun Oh Eseworr An Wewe Ngeni An Kapasen Fon. Chon Chuuk Re Nom Won Ekeii Fonu Nukun Chuuk irr Chon Chuuk No Matter What They Will Always Be Chuukese that Is Why No Matter What We Still Go Back To Our Homeland Because That Where We Are From. Iwe Pwan Ren Amii Na Kokot, Amii Na Ouwa Mjn Kaimuu Senii FSM Ese Pwan Pung. Pwata Am Keii Ai Nom Won Keii Fonu Aii Fen Kuna Osupwangen Chuuk Nge Amii Kena Ouu Nom Ikena Ouse Kuna Pwe Oupwe Fori Esp. amii Kana Ekei Aramas Re Ngenii Kemii Wisemii. Ese Mwo Kan Stable Amii Kana Budget Ika Ouse Mwo Kan Distribute Fairly Ekena Funds Ngeni Amii Kana Municipality Nge Owa Kan Mjn Independent ?
Iwe Oupwene Feteii Noumii Keii Aramas Carrying FSM Passport Won Ekeii Fonu Nukun Chuuk Ika A Pass Na Mojen Independent Iwe Repwe Ne Ifa ? More Than Half Of The Residents There In Chuuk Are Unemployed So What Are These People Gonna Do When They Get There ? Yall Need Look At The Problem We Will Be Facing Tomorrow not The Tuvich Of Today..
Tunuk citizens says
This movement is all about madness. Independence is a good idea but the reasons and timing is really really bad. It is not a good start for Chuuk. Chuuk needs a solid foundation to be able to stand on it’s own. Until then everything will work out. The CSPC worked hard for this but it is the wrong informations and not enough. The CSPC blame on the National Government but you forgot Chuuk has the majority vote in Congress. Chuuk state can ask whatever she needs through those powerful congressmen from Chuuk. It is true that whatever money comes into our nation should first go through the National Government and the National Government decides what to do with it. The National Government uses “Gentlemen Agreement” to distribute fairly among the four states. To compare all the money that the National government has given each states, Chuuk states still has the high number. I just don’t think it’s the right reason to separate from the FSM. Until we find the right reason and timing that is when Chuuk can easily be on it’s own.
The last hearing held at Saram gym helps a lot of people to understand different views on this movement. One of the members which is this guy (Johnny) said “our mind set when we choose to completely independence was to be part of US but not FSM. So the CSPC chose Completely independence”.
So from all those choices, which are
completely independence,
associate with US
territory or state of US
and maintain our status now,
you chose the complete independence with the mind set of associate with US. It is kind of confusing to chose choice one with the mind set of choice two.
CSPC need to understand more information about this independence. It is to risky for Chuuk to be independence.
Ochi Tolofa Rapun Nukuto says
Hey Mr. we are not running away from chuuk we all have the freedom to explore what this mother country offer us. we go out of chuuk to further our education and seeking the many opportunities that is been given us.
In return we contributes to the fourstate in the FSM through our taxes. Im sure chuuk got its share of my tax money too so stop telling us we dont do anything for chuuk.
lien one-hope 808 says
The leaders that bring this $#% will face it….Mr.meippen?..I thought ur a good leader and the rest of your committees..and now it turns out that u guys are bunch of loosers….I’m and morthlockese here in Hawaii seeking for job and help my family back home my sweet home chuuk and morthlock most of my family refer to outside for curing their sickness cus of what?….lacking of equipment and medication…and how in the hell that we can stand up independent?..u guys can’t even provide all this lacking of medical and equipment….for all ur information Mr right…me including my family aterenges will give u a Big Big No No….to all my morthlockese people per with me let’s stand together for this madness….and think about our future our home our lovely family our beautiful small flat island give this bunch of loosers a Big mark no on their faces…..think about it if we stand independent they cannot fix everything on our capital weno and how they going to get our fuel to travel to our small flat beautiful island…think about it my fellow morthockese peoples…I’m talking about we get family on our island how we can send them needs or travel to our island without fuel…..I don’t think they would help us with that… think about it u already know where the money goes….In their buckets….and puluwer wangefetan shopping they all get the good stuff because of the money they have….think about it….iwe ita kij Jon juuk sa angei jok independent iwe epwene eto me Ian meon aj soap me ufaj me anonon nouj lamp ika sa independent……meni sipwene fen an gan ngenir sipwene wisen nimeti non ar kan toilet me sopuni ar panju pwe epwe wor mwaren meon ai kerosene me meon ai soap……ahahah…Hell no…
Proud Chuukese says
With all due respect sir, but please shut up. Focus on fixing Chuuk up first, then you can talk about moving out of the FSM. Tongen money ena remi!
esina says
Ennet oh mei fokun pung met na ka era ngang mi fokun agree with u pwe pwata rese kan ekiek nomw iwe ra put there comment bwe sipwe wewefich ngeni,,,sia kan fokun beno ren misimisin me tunomisin ar kapas nge rechok busin en me oturesi ar family me aramaser,,not for all the ppl in chuuk,,,iwe itakan meni ekei iei nge meni ekewe,,,rekan tunomesekis bwe re wiseni ekan wis ren ar pusin wiseni ika???nge rese sinei bwe irr mi no ngeni fonu meinisin ar kampen ar repwe utir,,,,iwe angei chok iei ra wiseni ekei wiz ra kan fokun akamatat nge ii ra nemenono pwe re wiz pun the ppl of chuuk re ngenir repwe wiseni…iwe kan bwan meni ami na mochen opwe INDEPENDENT,,nge ina ese pwak ami opwe fori ekena sukun me pioing,,ese mo oj pwak iei non ei mun F,S,M nge bwata epwene pwak ren ena Republic of chofona sona….iwe fokun okan omusalo ii we don’t agree,ngni ami na okot pun YOUTHAS ena womi we dnt trust any of u guyz.. thankz for ur understanding…….
nkmch says
Let’s hope that they don’t cheat the ballots, like they always do.
Ms.CHUUK says
Ufen takir ren mfien en meipin. Or whatevr his name is. Lack of knwledge lack of love lack of everythinq. Dnt try and impress us with ur filthy elementary lonq words. It only makes u look uneducated
finiras says
Lets all hope and pray for what is best for the people of Chuuk!
#proud chuukese in 808
Inyourface@Corsi Tx says
YÔooo mwa met Ren na liwinin tipis malo,,,, feiengaw onokewe chuukese amafen,,,,Ren ekiekin moni a esenipato mochenian nemas, mochenian ekiek, mochenian netip,,,tipemong a esenipato tipisin anean,,,iei popun uwa ekiekin imuno nge ese wor nongonongen na independent committee uwa ekieki,,,,ese iaioch. Pwata sia chok sinei oo rong ochun,,,,,,,,nge epwe met ngawen ika chuuk a imuno,,,,,,,as a leader you should be flexible to answer any type of question bad/good,,,,be a gentleman not a mental man,,,,,,better watched that seat,,,,,one day you will be taken away from that seat,,,they will use you as a bait,,,,be carefull you are in that position because real chuukese and chuukese abroad,,,now your showing disgualified,,,,so be it,,,,,big NO,,,,
903@corsicana,Tx says
Republic of chuuk,,,,,,(ROP),,,I hope is not included the outer island,,,chuukese people let’s not wasting our time with them ,,,hypocrites and the pharasees,,,,they said they know but they don’t know,,,,don’t just showed up to their meetings and just vote,,,, NO,,,that’s it….
Ūkkūsár says
Emwmwen fan Pwung me Wenewen… Āneasochis fan Sūffēn me Mennin. These are the characters of a good leader and a good citizen.
Does that describe you CHUUKESE out there?
@INN southern N says
That’s an ill/ sick and unprofessional remark from a self-proclaimed lawyer and a member of the CPSC, who raised his hand and willingly accept to become a public servant..unwise words and very poor judgement.!
Johnny uses the phrase ” YOU PEOPLE ” six ( 6 ) times, referring to us- chuukese living abroad…
Are the Meippen family residing in state of Washington still part of your family or are they part of the ” ran away-you people-kind.??
My advise, be professional and try deal/ handle negative comments in a more professional way…don’t fall for it…show your profession..don’t drop on your knee easily..ok my friend.?
Good luck.!
losap native says
Dayuuumm, I don’t wanna move to china!! I’m fine where I’m at here in Ptown
chuuk wa tongeok says
ke paj ke tento
David Robinson says
My brethren: the idea is not independence or secession: it is who these leaders want you to get involved with. China is not a benevolent government. Go back into the archives of the Australasian press; look up the papers written about the Chinese goals in the South Pacific. They are military minded, not business minded, no matter what they say. Do you want your ancestral lands to be taken over by outside interests? How many of you will give up your homes for a casino? A boat dock? How many of you will benefit from construction projects? Any construction projects drawn up with the Chinese MUST use Chinese labor; read up on this – this is tantamount to you giving away what is yours – no country that has accepted Chinese aid benefits – only the Chinese. What about your fisheries? They have strip-netted the South China Sea dry of fish – they have 1 billion people to feed – who do you think they care more for, their fellow Chinese or Chuukese? The leaders advocating this are the only one who will benefit – and when all things go bad, they won’t be anywhere to be found. When foreigners own your land, eat your fish and you become like the Marshall Islands, don’t say you were not warned. Follow the money – see where it is going. What little they try to hand out now is not worth you losing everything you have now. Fight for leaders who want to make Chuuk better for all – not just the elite. If you don’t stand now – theremight not be another chance to reverse the tide. Please think about it with not just your hearts, but with your heads – a wrong vote can be devastating. Weigh the options carefully – do not trust the Chinese or those willing to sell you out to them. Take this to God in prayer – He’ll show you what is right. I know what it means to be poor – and I know what it means to lose everything. Be careful, my brethren, I love you all.
Okane ATTAck says
YOU people will vote no, Illegal yes… YOU vote yes for your osupwang nesor me pannon…
Jamwechuk says
uta on mun …….met wewen ei fos? …yes or no is your choice. nonomun chuuk a chek nom non peun en me ngang… ika kopwe ika kosapw…? Pwisin Aisinuk???
RIZAH says
Fanitom NO upwe wesen feiengaw mwo upwe jok kamikazee fanitom !!!
Underground says
MY fellow CHUUKESE,,
Or else,
-we will loose our lands and ocean to the Communists
-the Communist Party will steps in & take control of our lands & ocean militarily.
-our people, families, friends will be SLAVES to the Chinese.(worst compare to the Japanese)
-our mothers, aunties, sisters, & daughters will turn into sex-slaves or sold into the human-traffic industry as a whole or as spare body parts.
-our fathers, uncles, cousins & brothers will be shipped to labor camps where they will break their backs working,, from sun up to sun down just for the right to live another day! They won’t get paid! (Communist government don’t pay their workers shit!) many of them will die. All will not be buried properly in what was once our home, Chuuk!
-our ‘leaders’ will act as liaisons between govts but truly, they won’t have no voice, no power, & marked as traitors to us & dogs to the Chinese.Then they will be shots in the heads by the firing squat or murdered in their sleeps by the Chu’ Chok Chuuk Underground!
Samine says
Wakakkakakkakk…I have no clue how on earth i ended up here!!! by reading all these comments, i was all crack’N up…Laugh Out Loud ! nothing to against Mr. Amafen Meippen, nothing to against the fellow commenters too as well!! Ua jok mojen upwe share few verses with us ika epwe pwan tongeni emweni ach ekiekz me nonnom, very meaningful and Namot pun kich mei Manaw ren!!
Jeremiah 32:27 Nengeni ngang ewe Samol mi napanap an ekewe Monumanaw Meinisin God. Esapw fokun wor mineh ah weires ngeniei. (Amen)
Kolfel 46: 10 Ah apasa, Oupwe Emwen Le Maun, Oupwe Silei Pwe Ngang Echok God.
Ngeni kich meinisin Even the Bible stated out very crystal clear to BE STILL AND KNOW pun II chok ewe God!! ese pwan wor ion me nukun!! All these mess should be escalating to our One and Only Abba Father above! Omusano ah ii pass nge usap sinei pwata iei upwan ended up ikei and this is what our Heavenly Father shows me to share along with us:) Good Morning to you all from (503) Downtown Portland….God bless!!