
This article was originally posted in 2015. I am reposting it today, June 20, 2018 because the Chuuk State Attorney General Sabino Asor has repeated the same line of questioning the level of Chuukeseness of Chuukese citizens living abroad. Sadly, his colleague Johnny Meippen did the same line of argument back in 2015 during the failed attempt to put the secession on the ballot at that time. I think it’s worth re-reading.
We have officially reached the saddest moment of this whole Chuuk secession fiasco. This past week the Secretary for the Chuuk Political Status Commission (CPSC), Mr. Johnny Meippen posted some extremely disturbing and condescending views about Chuukese citizens living abroad. In a Facebook post, Mr. Meippen berated those of us living abroad as less Chuukese, less patriotic, and accuse us of loving Chuuk less than those like himself who have the resources to stay in Chuuk.
There seems to be a pattern among the CPSC of this negative views about the Chuukese citizens abroad. Mr. Sabino Asor, CPSC Chairman of Public Hearing and the Chuuk State Attorney General had questioned the wisdom of letting Chuukese citizens living abroad to vote on the referendum since we have left Chuuk and are not experiencing the same pain as those living in Chuuk. Perhaps they have a point.
Importance of Chuukese Citizens Abroad
What these leaders fail to recognize is the importance of Chuukese citizens living in the United States thanks to the Compact of Free Association (COFA). Sure, we have our share of the bad apples that give us Chuukese a bad rap in places like Guam and Hawaii. But for every one rotten Chuukese apple, there are four proud Chuukese citizens getting a good education, earning an honest income, improving their job skills, and sending money back to relatives in Chuuk which supports the local economy.
Chuuk State leaders have failed to build a thriving Chuuk that keeps its citizens and attract others to return. Since the first COFA was ratified in 1986 Chuukese citizens have left our beloved Chuuk in search of better opportunities. This is actually a good thing for Chuuk if we ever have any chance of one day breaking the cycle of dependency on foreign aid, improve unemployment rates, recover from a sense of hopelessness, and work ourselves out the negative views from our sister states as the welfare state in the FSM. Chuukese citizens who have no equal opportunity to compete for limited resources, services, and even good-will from their government are leaving our beloved Chuuk to seek better opportunities, education, professional development, health care, maturity, and in some cases appreciation of our homeland Chuuk.
The COFA has enabled our citizens to actually alleviate the State from dealing with social issues. Without Chuukese leaving the State, there would be huge unemployment rates due to lack of jobs. Our poor hospital would be burdened with critically sick patients who cannot get specialized treatments. There would be an even bigger problem of under-performing youth graduating from the worst public school system in the nation. Without a strong private sector, there would be more citizens who are dependent on politicians for handouts. Without better professional development opportunities, the unskilled workforce would continue to perpetuate mediocrity in our government services.
The leaders need to understand that Chuukese citizens abroad are learning new ways to efficiently and effectively run organizations, learning new leadership strategies to lead people effectively. And this post-COFA generation of Chuukese will surely someday return to Chuuk to help in Her development.
But those in power in Chuuk today; namely, the government officials must do their part to improve the situation in Chuuk first to attract Chuukese citizens back to serve in our homeland. One of the major disheartending hindrance to progress is our problem of pachification.
Ke Pach Ke Tento (Pachification)
The phrase “Ke Pach Ke Tento” was coined in the late 80’s to describe the unfair distribution of tents and cash from the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) following a devastating super typhoon in Chuuk. Instead of following FEMA-sanctioned distribution procedures based on needs, the local Chuukese FEMA staff gave tents and cash to individuals based on favoritism, nepotism, etc. Those lucky enough to know someone on the FEMA local staff get issued a tent. Never mind that a family left homeless by the typhoon really needed the shelter…no pach no tent.
Today, pachification is alive and well in our beloved Chuuk. It continues to hinder our beloved Chuuk from operating at its full potential. Let’s look at some of the proverbial pachification practices in Chuuk today that frustrates Chuukese citizens to leave Chuuk for the US. These practices also discourage the Chuukese citizens in the US from returning to Chuuk with college credentials or work experience lest they are victimized by these harsh realities of pachification.
Ke Pach Ke Angang (jobs): Since 1986, Chuuk has experienced a steady flow of Chuukese citizens looking for employment opportunities in Guam, Hawaii, and elsewhere. The only viable jobs are in the Chuuk State government and the few private sectors. But who gets considered for a job is determined by department directors and the hiring controlled by the all-powerful Chuuk Civil Service Commission…pachification determines who gets hired.
Ke Pach Ke Refer (medical referrals): Staying or returning to Chuku is literally a matter of life or death. Because of limited budget very few critically ill Chuukese get selected to be medically evacuated to the Philippines for specialized health care. Only those who pach get the referrals paid for by the health services. All others die at the Chuuk State Hospital or from overdose on the all-purpose solution for all Chuukese illness: safean paiking
Ke Pach Ke Win (elections): A proponent of secession Frank Cholymay posted on Facebook recently that “Government is a business.” While I disagree with this displaced notion of public service, I would venture to believe that many (not all) Chuukese citizens who decide to run for state or national offices do it to profit financially, gain social status, and to improve their own business ventures.
Ke Pach Ke Sai (business travels): The most traveled Chuukese citizens to date are the politicians and other high ranking, highly paid government employees who collect per diems, travel allowances even when they stay with relatives during their “government-related business” trips (aka campaign). Most of the average government employee never experience these travel benefits unless, well, they have have earned enough pachification leaves like the overused sick leaves.
Ke Pach Ke Train (professional developments): Why is it that most of the professional training conferences outside of Chuuk seem to be always attended by the department heads and not those who would benefit the most from them? Who ensures that a department head who participate in a technical training or conference actually leads professional development programs for their employees upon returning from their travels? The teachers and principals who need the most opportunities for professional development to aid them in the classrooms and in running our public schools are the most untrained due to this pachification problem.
Ke Pach Ke Project (public projects): It is a common practice now among many Chuukese elected officials especially our congressmen who have the largest “discretionary funds” for social and economic public projects use these public funds as handouts to those who support them in their campaigns. So, even if a Chuukese living abroad has the best business plan to develop the private sector in Chuuk, they stand no chance of getting funding from their political leadership unless they prove their allegiance and votes.
Ke Pach Ke Cha (food handouts): Our Chuukese politicians have perfected the art of turning our positive cultural practice of reciprocity into what I would call re-election-procity. Our age-old Chuukese tradition of sharing goods and services perpetuates peaceful co-existence of people in small villages, island communities, extended families, and it unifies clans. It was / is a pure system that we can be proud of. But elected officials have destroyed our culture by applying pachification to distributing sacks of rice, turkey tails, and other government goods and services often paid for by public funds only to those who support their re-election bid.
Ke Pach Ke Manaw (Survival of the Pach-est)
The state of our beloved Chuuk today is best described by the evolutionary theory of the “survival of the fittest” which refers to the natural selection of who eats and who gets eaten. Of course, pachification is not a natural state of being but rather the result of poor and unethical human decision-making process.
The pachest Chuukese citizens regardless of their capability or credentials are in power today in Chuuk. It is these very pached few who were elected or appointed into the Governor’s Office and the Chuuk State Legislature who have appointed the other few pachest lawyers, former senators, former government officials to serve their interest on the Chuuk Political Status Commission (CPSC). Perhaps CPSC should stand for Chuuk Pachification Selection Commission.
Pichani O Kiachini (Pitching and Catching It)
As if pachification is not bad enough for Chuuk, we also have the problem of the pachest awarding projects to themselves. The few who have the authority and the trust of the public to care for the public funds appropriate projects and create the system to also benefit from those public projects. This is most especially true for the Chuukese representatives in the FSM Congress who have the largest discretionary funds. One only needs to look at the FSM Congress website to know that the so-called “Development Authority” structures such as Northwest Development Authority, Faichuk Develoment Authority, etc are nothing more than the personal bank account for the congressmen to distribute public funds allocated to their election districits. If you look at the largest congressional appropriations for public funds, it is always in the 2nd year of the 2-term offices when the members need the funds for campaigning. They pitch them out and they catch them too.
Who can blame the Chuuk State leadership for seeking to get out of a national system in which even fewer congressmen control most of the national appropriations supposedly to support development programs in the respective regions in Chuuk State. Of course, the local leadership in Chuuk want those funds in their own budget to throw at citizens. That has resulted in this movement to separate Chuuk from the national government so that the Republic of Chuuk gets all the money for Chuuk leaders to distribute. But even in the midst of these funding distribution arguments between national and state leadership, the fact remains the average Chuukese citizen are not pach-ed enough to benefit from whatever funds get moved to and from the national government. We need to change our outlook and approach on public service and public funds. We need to focus on the common good rather than the benefits for the pachest.
Fetalen Waach Ei (The State of our Journey)
I humbly suggest that all of us as the companions on a journey (piloo) on this canoe we love called Chuuk, need to re-calibrate our compass, find our True North, and focus our energies on our journey…fetanen waach ei. We’re all in this canoe together and we will never get to our destination given our current state of affairs. We are all, including myself, losing sight of our journey as we fight amongst ourselves and battle our navigators (leaders) who have clearly failed us.
It seems like we have stopped paddling in unison. Instead we are calling each other names, throwing crap at each other, and accusing each other as less than worthy companions. The crew members are dissatisfied with how the navigators are explaining where our canoe is heading and now the navigators are fighting back with words and actions unbecoming of pwo (master navigators) leadership.
Iwe Sipwene Ifa (So, Now What?)
We need to start putting our minds together to come up with some viable plans in the event that Chuuk secession is defeated in March. Obviously, if it wins, then the CPSC will proceed with their plan (or start planning a plan to plan Da Plan). In their forum at COM-FSM National Campus commissioners Asor, Meippen, and Enlet were unsure about the answer to the question by President Mori, “What’s the plan if the Chuuk secession is defeated?” It appears the CPSC has no exit strategy after March 3rd to heal and rebuild our confidence in our Chuuk State leadership.
There is something disheartening about the idea that after we have gone through these dark 3 months of beating each other down, we will just go back to business as usual. We Chuukese cannot afford to give up and return to our old ways as if nothing had happened. So, perhaps we should start the healing process now. We need to find the courage, the trust, and wisdom to help reform Chuuk as a state in the FSM and find our teachable moments. Here are some observations and suggestions:
1) Development: After March 5th, Chuuk will still be one of the least developed state in the federation. We need to shine light on the congressional appropriations for Chuuk which are fully controlled by the congressmen. We now need to make sure our Chuukese congressional delegation who have been silent through all this are put on alert with their public projects. We need to start demanding more transparency and citizen involvement in the type of “public projects” funded by our congressmen. Our national and state leadership should work together to stop squandering the remaining years of Compact funding to build up the $21 million projected deficit for our State. We need to question why the same exact public projects (boats, sewing machines, rice, turkey tails, etc) get funded every year by the FSM Congress. And who are the beneficiaries of these projects and how it is helping to build up Chuuk State’s projected $21 million budget shortfall come 2023. Let’s let them know that we, the citizens of Chuuk, will support our Chuuk State leadership to plan for 2023 within the federation.
2) Public Information: After March 5th, Chuukese citizens living abroad or at home will still suffer from lack of information from the executive and legislative branches of our Chuuk State government. We need the Chuuk State Public Affairs Office headed by Mr. Angelino Rosokow to create an effective website up for the entire Chuuk State government where Chuukese citizens can get news, ask questions, and access programs and services including application forms.
3) Educational Reform: After March 5th, our public schools will still be the worst performing schools in the nation. We need better accountability of the Chuuk Board of Education in their decisions related to the hiring and firing of school personnel especially the Director of Education.
4) Fishing License Fees: After March 5th, the National Government will still keep 100% of the revenues from the country’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ). Why? Chuuk State leadership and I’m sure the other states do as well have a valid complain about the National Government’s failure to share any of the fishing license fees from the country’s with the four states. We need Chuuk delegation to the FSM Congress to put aside their petty little selfish differences and work with the President and other members of congress to change the allocations to give a percentage to the states. The amount per State should be proportionate to the size of water surrounding each of States.
5) Remittances: After March 5th, Chuuk will need more than ever for Chuukese living abroad to keep sending back lots of money to their relatives in Chuuk. To date there are two expensive options for wiring funds to Chuuk; namely, Money Gram and Western Union both of which charge a huge percentage. Perhaps the government should look into starting its own subsidized money transfer service. Call the service some catchy and easy to renames like Ataway Chuuk or Remit2Chuuk, but make sure it is easier, affordable, accessible to all the thousands of Chuukese living and working in the US.
6) Economic Master Plan 2023: After March 5th, Chuuk State leadership still need to answer the question of how to support the national economic development plan as advocated by President Mori and his administration. Since Chuuk State has no economic plan besides the wishful thinking for foreign aid, our Chuuk State leadership must refocus their full attention on supporting the FSM economic development plan. Chuuk’s representatives in the FSM Congress who control the most Compact funds must support the proposed funding of the plan.
Kinisou chapur Vid ren omw aninniseoch ngeni kich chommong ren ekkei porous auchea fan iten fonuwach.
Amwo kich chon Chuuk mei kuna ekkei porous sipwe pwan sopwei ne atoura ngeni aramas ar repwe wewe pwan sinei met mei auchea ren ikenai, me nesor.
Thank you Vid,,,
Mei fakkun pwung remi pwipwi Marg me Vid. I experienced all of those “ke pach ke tentos” during Walters admin, at least ne muun Walter ewe ngang mei mwar angang chuuk. After his era, ekkewe muu murin, ra back to “chuukese mentality” ewe chok ii minen nom ese mwo fieng, ke uti ei, upwe anisuk……….same smell as “ke pach ke tento”. this mentality usun ese fen improved, pwe usun mei fen nom non ewe titel, “kostang koe”, ita sipwe kan ifan ne translatini ena kostang koe? “one step forward, two steps back”? Ika? Any way, the saddest thing about our leaders is that they really have no vision, no goal, no plan. Ika pungun pwe mei wor ekkena iwe fonuwach esap iei usun.
Nge why no VISION, PLAN OR GOAL? My favorite chuukese answer: ENEN! whoever invented that word must be a “resor”, lol, sorry sor clan!!
Thank you very much Vid for all the wise words and Ideas.I agree with you on all this.”I like it,I love it,I want some more of it.”
Kinisow chapwur ngonuk, ikkei kei so’kkun kapas ika me’ngu’ngu’ sia fokkun pwositi ach sipwe rong seni nouj kei sou emmwen.. Kapasen e’nu’ku’nu’k, kapasen pesepes, kapasen emirit, nge a’kka’sa’ino’n iwe kana kapas repwe wenechchar, repwe fiti fe’ffe’r…
Once again,
Kinisow chapwur ngonuk VID..
kilisou pwe a pwakin kurufatlo lon ai fopwiopw. nge en ken Renny ngang resor nge ehopwal foriai minna. hahahahahaaa
ika pwe noun Chuuk kei Sou’Emmwen meinisin (State Legislators & Congressmen) re wesewesen mochen pwe Chuuk epwe fefeita non manaw kinamwe me angang wenechar, Iwe repwene mwo ekis take a “fast break” seni ar kei kapasen tipi-fengen (finger pointing) nefiner. Time will not stand still and wait for them to come to their senses….time will not stand still and wait for them to agree on the hardcore fact that CHUUK NEEDS HELP. Ei fansoun iwe esap chiwen fansoun an nouch kei Sou’Emmwen (leaders) repwe chiwen mwo akanini won met wisen ew me ew kofemen–who should develop this and who should develop that; ion e fori wisan me ion ese fori wisan; ion epwe âeâ project me ion esap âeâ; ion e watte noun money me ion e kukkun noun money seni ian; who controls this and who controls that; who’s got the biggest pie and who ate it?, Who are the real Chuukese and who are the fake Chuukese?, who loves Chuuk and IFA TONGEI ME REOM?—TIME WILL NOT STAND STILL AND WAIT for all your differences or disagreements to be ironed out or settled between your parties!!
Ei fansoun, Iwe a fansoun atamatam me akôôt ngeni met Chuuk epwe fori mwirin 2023 ika a ukutiw ika kéöuuno mwonien aninnis seni Merika. Met namoten sipwe mömmön fengen kapas nge ese wor ach plan si amonata ngeni ach na osukosuk after 2023? Pwata sisene angang won ew an Chuuk Economic Development Plan iei, instead of wasting more time debating ika trying to advocate for Separation ika pesei aramas ar repwe vote Yes pwe Chuuk epwe tongeni touu ika secede seni FSM? Ika mwo pwe iei a ffat pwe an CPSC tori unusen an Chuuk nan State Leadership ra tipe-ew pwe sipwene ûttût won ei secession fan March non ei year (2015), nge pwata resene angang won an Chuuk Development Plan pwe epwe souni masowen pwungun ach ei Ûttût fan March? Ika YES a pass, a wor plan a monota; ika NO a pass, a wor plan a pwan monota, rather than wasting public funds on unnecessary traveling, trying hard to advocate and convince people to vote FOR or AGAINST an Chuuk epwe imwuno seni FSM?
Ai nuku, by now, meinisin ika napengeni kich chon Chuuk, sia ii ffateoch on the pros and cons (ÉÖCHUN me NGAWAN) ika Chuuk epwe touu seni FSM. Iwe upwe tungor pwe CPSC epwene fen mwo set aside an ei quest for separation nge epwene fen poputani an angang won 1 an Chuuk 2023 Economic Development Plan….usun metekana proposed plans ika suggestions Vid mi watiw asan en. Oune mwo nikitano ami angangen convincing me advocacy on secession nge oune sape fengen oupwene fori wesewesen ururun met oupwe fen ita angang won–CHUUK 2023 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN “EXCLUDING” SECESSION!!! Tirow womi. Kilisou Vid.
iwe iwe emon kewe chinnap ra fen affata me mwan, chuuk a wewe ngeni emon aramas ra pwiniti pwiniti ufan iwe a chok sarumata, iwe ra tonong kei pwiniti seni an we sarumata iwe iei chuuk aa seneno..
met chok sipwene fori ren ekiekingaw me tipemongun ekkei chon ekiekin repwe taikuni sefani chuuk.
Mwareiti Kot, Kinisou ngeni Kot,
Outcome reen noun Kot aramas non ewe VJDC (Vicarieate Justice & Development Commission) at the Saramen Chuuk Development Center yesterday February 03, 2015 10 a.m til 4 p.m. Mentor by brother Jack Fritz chairman of VJDC. (Fakkun Kinisou Chapuur Ngonuk, job well done!)
Wow! amazing amwaaraar masowan sia fakkun weweiti me sinei, pwe mettoch meinisin ach we ammafen CPSC ra aporausa fetanei non aar kewe outreach, akkaewin ngeni kemi atongeach kewe ouwa kan nonnom nukun Chuuk, Ennetin fiti surun mesei, uammen fakkun tongeekemi pun ika epwe fis me pwonueta ei masowen March 03, 2015, Iwe aami oupwe konien meefi weiresin.
* Sia fakkun sinei masowen an CPSC we final report, pwe nap ngeni ekkei masowan, ra chok “Anapanap oo pwan Oumooum chok” esap ennetin ina actual meet epwe fis epwe pwan masowen aach ei Sewa nupwen epwe pwonueta “Secession ika Imwuuno seni FSM, me UUta woon muuch”.
* Achengicheng CPSC, ra pwan aporausa pwe sipwe chok Secede “Tou” seni FSM, nge sipwe chok maintainini ewe Free Assosiation with USA. Wow! how can that be? Ei current treaty is only between US and the FSM pirioch!….. VJDC a pwan affata, pwe meifen or neenien “Independence/ Free Association. Nge pwata CPSC rese choose? instead of Solid Independence?
* Sia pwan sinei pwe achengicheng CPSC a fen pwan total up ini ar we dream total of masowen Sewa, if Secession, era epwe toori 92 million per year Republic of Chuuk epwe angei, usun meet mei affat me non nour we final report…. Ennetin sia pwan sinei seni (VJDC meeting) pwe meinisin ekkei, masowen chok “Niouttan” ese fakkun pwung.pwe example, “Fishing Treaties” calculation, re chok angei seni current treaties an FSM ngeni foreign country, nge it will be, completely different if we bacome a new Republic of Chuuk. sipwe fen mwaaren lucky ika epwe or nouch customer, nge maaa kiich mi fen kuna me sinei pwe ese mwo or efoch Fishing Boat sein nukun e attau reech ikena.
Nei, Dr. LJ kose mochen kopwe edit pwan affata om we coverage “Audio/Visual” pwe atongeach kei abroad repwe kan pwan katon? kai kai, kai.
a mwo naaf, upwap pwan niwin sefan, faniten CBers (Channel 38 CB radio association) ach kapong ngenikemi me Vid, pwan toori Fb’ers meinisin. may the good Lord bless us all. Achocho Iotek, pwe semach Kot epwe anisi-kich.
Ai kapong, Ai Tong.
Pastor Perry Peter Killion
Logan Memorial Church/ National Weather Service Chuuk/ Channel 38 CB radio association
I am saddened that I am not considered a true Chuukese just because I live off the shores of liewe Chuuk. My family moved here for the sake of this great country which includes Chuuk during the time that FSM was fighting ach sipwe uuta won mwuch. If that isn’t patriotism in its purest form, I cringe at any other form of patriotism that requires a Chuukese. Growing up here in Pohnpei, I had front seats sometimes to the events that brought together some of those forefathers who worked tirelessly to bring us where we are now. I remember a time that the leadership of Chuuk at the national level had a falling out and they came together ar repwe ‘kuta kinamwe” at our home. At the end of the meeting each planted a coconut as a symbol of the unity that must bind us as Chuukese/FSMers. I share this because even though my family is far off the shores of Chuuk, I carry Chuuk in my heart and that is where the true Chuukese is defined in my opinion.
Ochi, nge who stripped Chuuk of her Kimpa (gold teeth)? Or is it still in place?
My hat-off ngeni Vid, fokkun kinisou chapur. Mei pung o mei enlet metekei ka ani porous faniten fonuach Chuuk, nge akaewin ren nouch kei souemwen non fonuach Chuuk. Non ai uwa kan aneani nge uwa kan pwisin tongei fonuei fonuach Chuuk ren ekkei sokkun napanap ita ururun esapw fis nge a fen fis pwokiten pwisin kiich chon Chuuk ach “mochenia”. Pwe ika pwe ese wor ei metoch mochenia, iwe esapw wor ekkei sokkun angang mei kirikiringaw.
Usun a fen afat me reomw nge “pachification”, “favorism”, me “nepotism”, ra fori pwe ita nge ikkei ekkei semwen non Chuuk ese wor safean. Ekkei nge sipwe chok ara pwe iir chok “symptoms” ngeni ewe ew semwen chon fonuen won re kan aita ngeni pwe “Corruption”. Inet ekkei semwen epwe wor safean?. Upwene ukutiwi me ikkei, nge upwapw niwin ren pwonuan ach na ew kapas ais.
THIS is the best ever read and description of what the Government of Chuuk looks like. It is in all Honest, True, and Direct….I give a standing ovation for this writing and I thank you Vid for this great writing…This is in fact THE TRUTH!
Popun an ekei souewmen non chuuk ra forata ei chuuk epwene imuno pwokiten are mojeniati money pwan fkn nuweni nuwer kei kukun at are singepwaj fetan won anen weno nuwen gangsger won war toraku nuwen emonungaw won anen weno ita kapwan nuwen look down won aramas are akafanger nusmwan pwon puse pun use ingeitir kena nuwen foumong pun eitu won ei fonu hawaii iwe ra nomw non housing shelter homeless!!!!!!tirow nang tirow pun tirow womi ajengijeng vid dr ljay pwan ngeni ami meinisin…..
I am truly down with you on your 6 suggestions…..We should remain in the FSM and take the 6 suggestions as guides in order for Chuuk to conquer 2023 shortfall and beyond. Wise suggestions.
Fakkun kinisou chapur ngonuk, Vid ren wewe eochun ekkei kapas faniten met mi pwaa ika fifis non fonuwach. Imwuno chon feiochuni tufich mi kawor ngeni ach ewe government, nge atong mwenene chon ese wor iter rese pach non sakopaten projects. Hehe! Ai tingor faniten mwuun fonuwach nesor me penon, ouse mochen citizens of Chuuk, sipwe nengeni oh kaeo seni ei mokutukut mi fis non ei fansoun…sipwe utti me finatta nouch kewe sou-amwen non ach ewe mwu non pung me wenechar, esapw chok pokiten amichimichich kewe (projects) atun campaign. Vid, I think you are the best candidate non ei election. Pun om tongei me chungu mwuun fonuwach me neun aramas e kon fen watte mwen an ewe CPSC. It’s time for a new change for the better…new and better Chuuk! Chuukese citizens, let’s weed out the bad pwe epwe manaw pwan maar ach ewe atake….turning it into a prosperous one. Kinisou, Vid.
Vid, kinisou chapur re ekkei mettoch ka achema sefani ngeni kich usun met mei existed on a daily basis me non ach Chuuk government non ekkewe fansoun tori ikenai. Ngang mei unusen tipeew ngeni chommong me nein ekkei mettoch pokiten ar fis nge ngang mei fen emon chon angangen ach we chuuk government. Usap pwan tonong non tichikin porausen ekkei mettoch nge mei enlet ai chemeni pwe ngang emon mei watte ai tipengaw ngeni ekkei fofor mei chok fis seni nom.
Iwe, ai tungor ngeni meinisin chon kuna ekkei poraus, oupwe achocho anisi aramasen ikenai ar repwe weweiti ekkei mwokutukut mei angawano fefeitan me tufichin kinamwein fonuwach Chuuk. Ika en emon educator amo kopwe angang wisom ren aporausa me osukuna met epwe murino sefan ren ekkei mettoch.
Ika en emon economist, kopwe anisi ach sipwe weweiti pungun angangen afefeitai pekin moni nge esap nounou ngaw me tururufas ei moni. Ika en emon engineer/planer amo kopwe anisi ekkei ekiek ren met kewe angang repwe ponuweta ren.
Ika en emon lawer uwa tungor kopwe aea on na tufich non wenechar nge esap chok ren pusin kinamwein netipom ren met ka mochen. Kopwe anganga annuk me awena me opochokuna pwe epwe wor tumunun aramas fan pungun annuk.
Nge ika en emon minister iwe kopwe achocho iotek pwan anisi ngeni nouwis an epwe wor tong me wenechar non manawer. Amo kopwe fit kana emwicheichen aramas ren om kopwe achoch afanafana an epwe wor kinamwe nge kosap fen pachonong non angangen eimuni aramas.
Amo kich meinisin sipwe anisi kewe chon Chuuk resap weweiti fosun merika ach sipwe awewei ekkei poraus non kapasen fonuwach pwe repwe sinei me weweoch ren.
The U Development Association conducted what they termed as Congressmen Candidates Forum and the question of :If one candidate win,, would he support Chuuk Independent movement” Two said “yes” and the rest couldn’t care whether yes or no….
Now is the issue is beginning to hit the other states’ political discussion and agenda. Quite generally most other folks couldn’t understand what’s Chuuk State’s real motive for this movement.
What Is really upsetting our fellow chuukese citizens residing in my 4states area is when we found out that we are not the real chuukese citizens as mentioned by Mr.Asor.So,the question is;Are we some kind of FAKE citizens or what are we?Mr.Asor.You need to act and speak professional because whatever you’ve mentioned about us chuukese living abroad is unprofessional.We are losing our respective of you a chuuk AG.Another unprofessional post you’ve posted on Mic Sem if im not wrong is,If chuuk independent is successful and southern namoneas will become one state,so the state capital will be on either Tonoas or Uman and the dumping area will be on Fefen Fanipw.Oh wow!!are you for real?why would you chose that place?what did they do to you?Do you have someone there that you’ve got jealous of because he/she trying to help the betterment of the state of chuuk?if not those reasons then you might have some mind sickness that can only taking care of by chinese people.You need to act and speak like a Man.Kinisou a mwo naf ufen mwasang ren mweniom mwenien chipi.
Never Underestimate the fefenese. Ese rong ewe porous “era fefen churi maram” lol
What I am urging both relatives and friends of mine from Chuuk State to do now is to declare your FSM citizenship at the nearest embassy or FSM consulate offices and have those notarize immediately and copies forwarded to the Dept of Justice/Office of Attorney General. Additionally, if you already have real properties (ie- land deeds under your name or wives or even children, they needed to be also have copies notarized and forwarded to Office of AG.
These are and would be your protection should Chuuk somehow secede from the federation… although these issues would hopefully be addressed when the issue get to the national congress to be addressed and hopefully approve or disapprove the cessation.
Thanks you Vid for your enlightenment, although I might say if only you were running for an office, I would vote for such a person with insights to solutions. nevertheless, You, for example, are out somewhere not in Chuuk to help.
Clearly you know how to set up things in departments no one thought of so why not go to Chuuk and see what you can do? and see what is really happening, then all your questions on why, How What, Where, When, and Who will be answered
Chuuk oh chuuk nenien ài kewe newo,nge iei uwa chieneni uncle sam, yes!! to america nge en chuuk?ufen pwan tongeok ài uwa kan amam en oh en papa chuuk en mama chuuk,en fonuwen onofat,en fonuwen nimwoii,en fonuwen tonachaw,fonuwen souneoch sa kan tongek kan ka kan riàfow weires oh chuuk,chuuk omusano tipisim am noum kei,oh papa g chuuk oh mama g chuuk fan unumemi setifat me enemi saken taka ài tong ngonuk”CHUUK”
Ach tong ngeni kij chon chuuk, please vote for me, I’m running for congress to support the NO vote
Killisou Chapur
Mwa pii ika ra fen angei wate moni seni China iei rese chok nikit ngeni emon me emon ewe pungun finata? Ua men fen neneiruk ngenir pwe ir pwan si neneta wor pwe ir nouch sinenap nge usun ese chuan fiti ngeni ar mokutukut me porous. Met ifa ewe pungun finate ngeni emon me emon? Pwata sipwe uti och metoch sise weweiti? Met epwe ina usun iteitan sipwe chok akosos?
Thank you Vid for all this infromations i am agree to Lapulapu i would also vote for you. i am also chuukese born and rise, i was kind of disappionted when i read some of the things posted by one of our leader of our state in which he mentioned something about us those that we reside outside chuuk. I want to clarify this to them i hope that they read this, even if am here ( US) i am still considering myself as a chuukese because that’s where i came from and i am proud of it. so even we are away from chuuk we still love our island and there are reasons why we are residing somewhere but not chuuk. for myself education, was in pohnpei for 3yrs for college i graduated with two degree i went back to chuuk applied for a job they hired a person that graducated from a high school( private school) with a high school diploma. i was suprise because for three years of study hard and graducated with two degree is not worthed. I finally learned that the word PACHIFICATION is really true they use that word in the offices in chuuk that’s why the economy is UP-SIDE-DOWN, thanks for the person that mentioned this word (PACHIFICATON). so the way i look at things for the few months i was still in chuuk i learned that those that they are educated and have degree their hiring will depend if you have the PACHIFCATION, this is the reason why i am one of those that reside somewhere esle not chuuk. This are my respones to the person that disappointed me. CPSC, they should tell the truth when they reach out to the chuukese Facts. What will happen to us in the future what will the government will be? what happen to the people? economy? etc.
I call our Leaders my MVPs..
My Most Viriokij Politicians..
Pacification is indeed a disease that has been torturing out Chuukese lives and Chuukese communities.
We need leaders that don’t posses this illness. We need someone or many leaders that have antipachificationistic attitudes to lead and help cure this ” pacification ” disease.
That is the only way to help our Chuuk State community and it’s people.
Thank You!