Our Chuuk government is stuck in no-man’s land as a result of poor decisions on past administrations who elected to pay landowners for lands that ought to have been part of eminent domain. Today, Chuuk suffers from a lack of communal identity in the area of resource-sharing when it comes to lands … [Read more...]
Economic Development
As long as the Chuuk economy suffers from lack of leadership and sound development strategies, Chuukese citizens will continue to leave the State to find jobs elsewhere. While that in itself is not necessarily a bad thing since Chuukese overseas do support their relatives back in Chuuk through … [Read more...]
Caring for our Environment
The care of our lands, seas, and air is the responsibility of every Chuukese citizen. The government must provide adequate funding, leadership, and programs to educate the public in the proper stewardship of our natural resources. Efforts must be made to empower the NGO’s that are dedicated to … [Read more...]
Preventative Health for All
Preventive health care must be improved to combat the increase of obesity, diabetes, and other health problems in Chuuk. In a State which suffers from incompetent leadership and lack of resources, the only sure medicine that has always been available to us as a people has been our own way of life; … [Read more...]
Election Reform a Must
Political campaigns and elections have become a source of divisiveness and corruption in our families, clans, communities, State, and even our nation. On one hand it has become standard practice among many incumbent legislators to use government funds to buy votes. On the other hand, we citizens … [Read more...]
Education must be Priority #1
An educated citizenry is the key to breaking the cycle of disempowerment among the people of Chuuk. No single issue deserves top priority in Chuuk today than the ensuring of adequate education of our children. It is imperative that our young generation are given all the available resources to … [Read more...]
Transparency & Accountability
Ironically, while our Chuukese culture espouses fairness, openness, and hospitality, our government suffers from a lack of accountability and transparency. People have very little knowledge or involvement in the day-to-day operations and policy-making decisions in the government. Because no one is … [Read more...]
Youth as our Future
In every form of community actions, the Chuukese youth have always been the backbone of the efforts. It is vitally important that the government strengthens its youth services to empower them to do more for nation-building. The government must instill a sense of pride among the Chuukese youth … [Read more...]
Empowering Women in Chuuk
Much like the rest of the world, Chuuk is undergoing a paradigm shift in recognizing the importance of women in leadership roles. Women have traditionally been the backbone of the family, a role that has over time become a cause of injustice in today’s democratic government; today, many Chuukese men … [Read more...]
Suicidal Consequences of a Chuuk Secession on Chuukese People
The Chuuk Political Status Commission (CPSC) has done a grave disservice to the people of Chuuk by failing to provide the full picture of the pros and cons of an independent Chuuk. They have focused mainly on the pros of managing our own fishing license fees, managing our own affairs, keeping our … [Read more...]