Political campaigns and elections have become a source of divisiveness and corruption in our families, clans, communities, State, and even our nation. On one hand it has become standard practice among many incumbent legislators to use government funds to buy votes. On the other hand, we citizens … [Read more...]
Transparency & Accountability
Ironically, while our Chuukese culture espouses fairness, openness, and hospitality, our government suffers from a lack of accountability and transparency. People have very little knowledge or involvement in the day-to-day operations and policy-making decisions in the government. Because no one is … [Read more...]
Suicidal Consequences of a Chuuk Secession on Chuukese People
The Chuuk Political Status Commission (CPSC) has done a grave disservice to the people of Chuuk by failing to provide the full picture of the pros and cons of an independent Chuuk. They have focused mainly on the pros of managing our own fishing license fees, managing our own affairs, keeping our … [Read more...]