Brian L. Dickson, the Legislative Counsel (lawyer) for the Chuuk State Legislature (CSL) has joined the other attorneys on the CPSC (Meippen and Asor) to offer questionable legal advise to Chuukese citizens living the US who may get deported when Chuuk is no longer part of the FSM. Mr. Dickson assures Chuukese citizens abroad that his US government’s Homeland Security Administration which oversees the Immigration Services is essentially too busy catching “9 million illegals, with more arriving each day…” and therefore the “20,000 Chuukese, who entered legally are not a focus for Immigration.” In others, don’t worry about living illegally in the US because the Immigration Service is too busy to catch you.
Below is the actual comment by Mr. Brian L. Dickson, Chuuk Legislative Counsel on the website:
“Thank you for your rational response. It is so easy to let emotions run away with our sense of reason in matters like this. I am the legal counsel for the Chuuk State Legislature, and I am aware of both sides of the issue. The Commission has failed to provide accurate figures to support their claims of added economic benefit, and that is unfortunate. However, I became aware that the national government does not treat all states equally, and it has been difficult to get our road completed, mostly due to the national government. Chuuk is not a party to that contract and has no rights to the road until it is finished.
One benefit to the secession debate is that the FSM Congress passed an amended split to revenue shares that grants the states 20% more of that money.
The real issue is independence, not money. If Chuukese voters approve that, the work begins to name delegates to the council that will set the agenda for a Constitutional Convention. A new Constitution must be written, and I hope that the new one takes Chuukese culture and values into account when structuring the new government. The present constitution mirrors that of the US. It works for Americans, but that is a different place and culture. Chuuk can do better.
Then Chuuk must negotiate with the FSM government to leave amicably. There is no provision in the FSM Constitution for secession (nor is there in the US or nearly all other constitutions). Chuuk must also negotiate with the US government to shift its part of the Compact funds, and in fact establish a new Compact, with nearly identical provisions as the current one. This will take time, and secession will not occur until it is done.
Chuukese living outside Chuuk need not fear that they will be deported. The US has over 9 million illegals, with more arriving each day, and they cannot deal with the numbers. 20,000 Chuukese, who entered legally are not a focus for Immigration. A new Compact could actually add benefits; some employers in the US don’t realize that COFA residents are entitled to work without green cards, but the US doesn’t make that information readily available.
No responsible leader in Chuuk will allow the scary consequences that Stovall wrote about to occur. We are not under a time limit, and secession will occur when we choose. BTW, before you accept all those “facts”, consider that Mr. Stovall receives a 6-figure income from advising the FSM government. Surely you don’t think his article is objective.
Think about this issue. The issue is independence. The issue is change. If you don’t trust your officials, change them when you vote. Stay active on Chuukese affairs, as you are doing on the issue of independence, and hold their feet to the fire until you have a government that fully responds to the needs of the people. And don’t think that having an FSM government overseeing that of Chuuk means that corruption will disappear; that comes from the people, not government.”
According to his LinkedIn profile and blog called “The Outlawyer,” Mr. Dickson grew up in a small town in Oklahoma and worked as a Project Manager for Marathon Builders, a construction company, before coming to serve as the Legislative Counsel for Chuuk State. When not giving legal advise to both Houses, the University of Oklahoma grad dishes out a healthy dose of insights and insults on his blog called “The Outlawyer.” On the blog, he writes about a variety of issues including Chuuk independence, his adventure as a medical tourist in the Philippines, the role of the US Office of Insular Affairs (OIA) in Chuuk’s cholera and bad roads, compares the dog-eating Chuukese with sakau-drinking Pohnpeians, and forth.
On a January 4, 2015 post entitled, “Chuuk independence” on his blog, Mr. Dickson shares his view of the Chuuk independence movement:
On March 3, 2015, the people of Chuuk will vote on whether they will remain a state in the FSM or will become an independent republic. This will be an historical year for Chuuk.
After WWII, the US became the trustee for a UN-created territory composed of hundreds of tiny Pacific islands. The region was called Micronesia. Although it made sense to administer the Trust Territories as one unit, the attempt resembled the British when they put Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds into one administrative unit, known as Iraq. Micronesians are at least as diverse as the Iraqis, and the distance is substantially greater, so the effort to combine all Pacific Islands into one nation was doomed from the start.
Palau refused to join the FSM; the Marshall Islands also pulled out, and each of those groups formed a separate nation. The Northern Marianas also refused to join the FSM, and instead they voted to become a commonwealth within the US. Guam, with its established military base, remained a separate nation, as a territory of the US. That left Yap, Chuuk, Pohnpei, and Kosrae as the only “states” left for the FSM.
Inevitably, differences among the islanders made it difficult to form a cohesive union and sectarian preferences have led to charges of discrimination. Many Chuukese believe that the FSM national government (whose President is himself, Chuukese) does not adequately represent them, and they want out.
Some of the criticism stems from the FSM Constitution itself; while Chuuk hosts half of the nation’s population, and thus half of the Congressmen, each Congressman has one vote on a bill’s first reading. But on the crucial second reading, each state has one vote each, meaning that laws, spending bills, and other measures are voted by members, to assign them to committees, but when it comes to actually adopting the measures, Chuuk’s half of the FSM Congress only gets 1/4 of the vote.
Some complaints arise from the repeated instances of Chuukese paperwork being lost within the national campus, going both ways. Requests to the national government have gone missing. Notices from the national government have not been delivered to Chuuk. Such an event, now and then, could be overlooked, but there seems to be more than coincidence involved.
US funding under the Compact of Free Association provides the opportunity for development, but Chuuk’s projects are routinely delayed. Already, Chuuk is over $50 million behind in using Compact funds, and there may be no way for Chuuk to access its authorized funds before the Compact ends, in 2023. If the other states decide to divy up the unused funds, conspiracy theorists will deem their suspicions verified.
An independent Chuuk won’t pose a threat to any of the world’s powers. However, it may present an opportunity to establish an outpost for powers in the Pacific, and that is what makes the vote so interesting.
You won’t hear much about the Chuuk plebiscite in the news; it isn’t as glamorous as Scotland’s vote, or as divisive as Crimea or Eastern Ukraine or even Catalonia, but it is part of a growing trend for the secession of ethnic groups from coalitions created long ago by former powers. It is as though WalMart is breaking up into stores that sell groceries vs. those that sell toys or household goods. It may seem counter-intuitive, if you view matters from a profit perspective, but when viewed from a tribal basis, it makes perfect sense.
Is the world becoming more tribal? Would that lead to chaos or more order? Would that lead to more, but smaller wars? Would WalMart shoppers clamor for a strong leader to unify us in spite of tribal differences?
Chuukese are shaking at this moment,However the bible speaks about the shaking for God’s people before the end of time.By the way i am a minister of the gospel,and i truly believe we are on the “toes prophecy”waiting for the “Rock”to come and destroyed all the kingdom .Dan;2
By the way every thing here on earth are always good and bad side of it.So it is our duty as citizen of Chuuk to fast and pray for this “moment of decision”and step out in faith and vote on what our heart lead.Not base on anyone to brain wash our God given freedom.So as citizen ,we must vote base on what we know.So my question,Are we truly educate by the initiator of this idea great reform?Our choice now will impact our nation as a whole or separate entity and our future generation now,later and in the world to come.
Are you suggesting chuukese immigrants have to hide among the 9 millions illegal immigrants that are residing in the US and it’s territories without being caught.??
This is a joke.!!
The problem is Chuuk pointing fingers at outsiders…they have to point those middle fingers back at themselves..
You sound just like Sabino,Tadasi, Johnny and all the others with all the assumptions…
Don’t compare Chuuk to other big countries..
Chuuk population is slightly over 50 thousand..there should be no head aches if our chuukese leaders work honestly..!
Amen! Chuukese leaders MUST change their money driven ways. The only thing that pops in their heads when Public Project funds are disbursed is their personal goals, dreams. That is not why those PP Funds are given. Not for you Senator. It’s for the people. Stop pocketing it!!!!
“The problem to be solved is not what form of government is perfect, but which of the forms is least imperfect.” -James Madison
I don’t like the Chuuk Legislatures Legal Counsel’s comments on the immigration issue. It’s just like comparing apples and oranges! However, there might be some truths to the missing paperwork or important documents pertaining to Chuuk’s infrastructure development submitted to the National Government. Few years ago I heard that the National Government withheld some of documents from being processed for unknown reasons. This might be the result of politics being played by both sides.
What??? This is a joke!!!…. And that is exactly why citizens should not vote YES… it’s ok to live in the US as illegal immigrants and not worry about the possibility that after cessation we are not going to have the same privilege that we have right now and be like those illegal Mexicans who crossed the borders and this is all OK just because they are too busy??? …. Ridiculous…
Thank you Mr. Dickson but your political acumen over this matter is slightly insulted!
” It is as though WalMart is breaking up into stores that sell groceries vs. those that sell toys or household goods.”
” Would WalMart shoppers clamor for a strong leader to unify us in spite of tribal differences?”
Chuuk Election is not as glamorous as Scotland, we are not Walmart shoppers; Our government is not Walmart.
“According to his LinkedIn profile and blog called “The Outlawyer,” Mr. Dickson grew up in a small town in Oklahoma and worked as a Project Manager for Marathon Builders, a construction company, before coming to serve as the Legislative Counsel for Chuuk State. When not giving legal advise to both Houses, the University of Oklahoma grad dishes out a healthy dose of insights and insults on his blog called “The Outlawyer.””
Project Manager for Marathon Builders? Now Chuuk State Legislative Counsel? What right do you have giving legal advices, esp. regarding a serious matter? One that would really affect the nation and its people for e long period of time? “We are not under a time limit, and secession will occur when we choose?” I thought we want this in 2023 after the end of the compact? And will we be ready by then? Where is the foundation? Where are the resources to start with? “Some complaints arise from the repeated instances of Chuukese paperwork being lost within the national campus, going both ways. Requests to the national government have gone missing. Notices from the national government have not been delivered to Chuuk. Such an event, now and then, could be overlooked, but there seems to be more than coincidence involved..” Why don’t you be more specific? And to hell with it’s not about the money. That is the main idea; the main point. The bottom line is money. The leaders want more money. More pocket money. Yeah, right, they can’t allow scary consequences to happen. That is why they are willing to take the RISK. I can’t forget that stupid comment by one of the members: we will jump when we get to that point. As if we are acting out a drama movie, specifically Titanic: You jump I jump 🙁
Mr. Dickson,
Your message is the most weirdest / retarded message I’ve ever read…!!
You’re telling us-Chuukese living abroad to hide among the 9 billion illegal immigrants and there’s no chance we’ll get caught..??
Are you encouraging illegal activities in the US…is that why you called yourself, ” Out-lawyer”.. Or maybe you are just that stupid..!!
You insult and criticize chuukese for their way of life..what they do…what they eat…but refusing to leave their islands.??
Shame on you..!!
Some ILLEGAL advise from SOME ILLEGAL (OUT) LAWYER. smh…tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk. You are sick and pathetic. So unrealistically unbelievable 🙁 Very sad!
Mr. Dickson, maybe you think that 90% of us Chuukese are dumb! Reading your post is just insulting! There are a number of Chuukese that have a great rate of intellect as well as personal values that we still live by in life no matter where we are at.
Your tip on not to worry about being “caught” is seriously a stupid advice. Putting that out on your posts only shows that you are not honest and you have done bad deeds because you think you won’t get caught. You might not get caught here on Earth but there is ONE MAN greater than us all that is waiting for you on Judgement day. There are a great number of us Chuukese that have served in the Armed Forces. I am one. It is not that difficult for DHS to look us up and check whether we are ILLEGAL ALIENS and have us deported. I am pretty sure the MAC flights would come in handy this time to us to deport us back home.
Do not compare Chuuk secession to Wal-Mart store. Us Chuukese are not “items” that can be bought in stores. Every race on Earth have at least the same/nearly the same percentage of people that DO get caught up in the net of “bribery” with their own personal reason. But DO NOT categorize us Chuukese as store bought items.
I pray we meet one day. I would love to elaborate more on how a disgrace you are. You probably think you’re living the “life” down there in Chuuk and all of us Chuukese are just a bunch of dumb puppets. You’re a disgrace!!!
I can’t agree more with you on this, Fan-Cool. Thanks for saying all that. There you go, OUTLAW Dickson. YOU just got SERVED! with your own recipe!
I mean Fuffun Stephen Manuere 🙂 and yes, you, too, Fan-Cool
Cmon Chuuk legislature!!! When are you going to step it up? Your lawyer needs to do more studying on specifics with regards to FSM hiatory if he is going to have any credibility. Where is he getting his info…oohh wait, he works for you guys. Just tiring reading junk opinions. Dont you guys have anything better to say? Really secession is about independence not economy? No disrespect Mr. Dickson but we expect more from you. Chuuk is paying you to help Chuuk..not destroy it. You do not work for the commission so do your job and tell CSL the truth..tell them how costly this will be if they opt take this further to court. You have zero chance of winning that legal argument if you think the FSM constitution is silent on secession. However, you surely will still get paid for saying whatever CSL pays you to say….even when you know it makes very little sense.
everyone, you all are right about all your comments but would it be fair to change all the members to new ones so that we can see if they will still go for YES??? I believe CHUUK does need a change starting with the CSL starting with Reps, then Senators, and so on…Let us worry about that as well as the NO….
fellow Chuukese, with all due respect individuals with low melanin like this freak must be in the process of alzheimers’ disease.
People let’s stop the assumption and be realistic for once. Pointing fingers on corruption of officials and the government is getting old. What government in the world do you see that is not corrupt? All of it are and please know that I am not saying to ignore it, all I’m saying is we, the people are the ones who put them/leaders in office, yes you and me. So let’s think about that for a change and make some changes please. Secondly let’s look at chuuk’s situation in regards to our FSM constitution and ask ourselves if it’s really fair or not. We the few staying in the US and its territories must also weigh both sides of this movement and think hard really hard as citizens of the FSM, most especially Chuuk if we are just too scared to live as our families do back home given the luxury were used to with the housing, food-stamps etc. what I’m trying to say is, everything we are concern of pertains to us, the few that are living abroad on how the secession will affect us if it does go through. But what about our families back home?. Majority of Chuukese are still in Chuuk believe it or not and we must do our part as Chuukese to also consider them, meaning do we really know Chuuk is doom if it secede from the FSM or are we just as guilty as the officials as we claim their just thinking about their greed but not the people/Chuuk?.
Are you a member of (CPSC) or a Chuuk government official.?
There is no assumptions in our views, just decent opposition and disagreement with our officials…
Pointing middle fingers and bashing them ( leaders) yes it’s kinda old..but that is why we have a democratic government..” The freedom of speech,” freedom of the press,freedom of expressing our dis-pleasure /disagreement with officials or I will not STOP pointing my middle finger and bashing them ( officials) until I’m convincingly satisfied/agreed to the way they operate our government..
Which nation/leaders is not corrupt?
Saddam Hussein was corrupt,then was executed..
Gloria Macapacan Arroyo was corrupt,then she’s imprison till today, as we speak…
John Edward was corrupt, then was forced to resign and forced out from office…just to name a few..
Lets go back to Chuuk leaders…they are corrupt but you-Chukun don’t want us to point fingers at them..?? You must be joking, right.?
Now, let’s turn to the FSM Constitution,
You valine it’s unfair to
In a democratic government,we have ” check and balance”
If we are indeed mistreated by our constitution, why not amend it..we check it then correct what needed to be amended..and that is the responsibility of our Chuuk congressmen..but I guess they’re more interested in jacking up their annual salary to $60.000..while the minimum wage in Chuuk is $1.00 per hour..
So, luxury of public housing and!!
Don’t you feel as game that chuukese getting these government assistance because our government of Chuuk can’t and won’t able to give them basic necessities back, health care and medical..??
Then, you are backing up Sabino and Johnny’s philosophy that the true chuukese are the ones stay and live back home, but us who live abroad are not.??
What make you think secession will benefit and improve lives at home…and what makes you think leaders will stop abusing their power as we move into a new republic of Chuuk.??
You are full of assumptions.!!
Kinisou seni ei atin Chuuk…
” you won’t get caught”!?? Wait a minute, where did I hear that phrase?? Oh yaah! From the book of the devil itself!! Wow!! Law class satan 101!!
Amusano upwe chok fasun chuuk pwe kich chon chuuk sipwe pusin weweti ach poraus.Pwan Torow sefan.Ita urun usap pwan pachenong non ei sakun pwe ngang emon pastor iwe use mochen upwe awora osukosuk.
Nge ennetin uwa chok echima inisi me Iotek ngeni ach Kot won Nang pwe epwe ngeni ei me kich chon chuuk ewe tipachem sipwe aiea.Pwe ennet esap ew mettoch mi mecheres ach sipwe chok finata iei me fan March ,2015.
Met ukon ani ekeki met epwe fis ngeni kich mwach kan.Pun sipwe maketiw met ach mochen nge enntin met epwe fis ,either better or worst.Iwe ika pwe sipweUta,ai nukuw epwe chommong ono mi osupwang nge mi tufich repwe fakkun tufichino.Met kich mi kuna ikenai,epwe fakkun napeno kirikiringaw ,osupwang ngeni am mi kan osupwang.E mo chomong ekkei sia apasa ra feiengaw me mano ren chon filipiner.nge ifan usun ika sia uta won ach?
Iwa pwan ami nukuw muun Merika epwe pwapwa iti ew muu sipwe kuta ach tufich seni,awewe chok ren mun China.Ika pwe Merika ese tipew ngeni,iwe epwe ifan usun ika ra awora maun Fengen non neniach Chuuk,ion repwe effected?ai nukuw kick.
Pwan ika sipwe Uta?iwe sipwe takis,epwe wor me ian nauch moni,sipwe mut ngeni chon nukun repwe businness Chuuk ,ami nukaun esap napeno osukosuken nukun epwe ne tonong non Chhuk.Ika pwe takis sipwe pwan anongonong won,iwe eni esap mwan seni epwe pwan takisis ,imwach me fonuwach.
Ai nukuw sipwe keep FSM together,pwe sipwe sikasini ach pukun neo mi feto seni ,nge pokiten ekkewe ekkoch ra tou seni kich FSM ,wewn pwe ar iwe tongen nepopun poutuno senir.Esap pokiten moni mine sipwe fangetani ach iei itentity,”FSM’.Kich chon CHUUk nupwen sia tori ekkewe ekkoch state non FSM,sia fakkun feel welcome ,ew chok pass port pwan ew ach tip.Ika pwe ousipwe aneani ach iewe constitution iwe sipwe weweiti pwe kich ew chok,sia chok imufesen ren ach iei sat mi refi fesenikich.Mei pung pwe pwan sakono ach kapas.That is what make us very unigue .
Iwe amusano epwe ne mo iei pwe a fen nukenipin iei nge fan iten chok ei tongen Kot uwa kan pwan mochen atoura ach kapas ,
Nge Semach Kot won Nang epwe kan tongei ach tungor ho ansikich,
Tongen Kot,
Ren Naun Chon Angang,
Pastor Karemeno
We don’t need a new form of government, we don’t need a new/separate form of agreement ( Compact treaty), we don’t need a new constitution…
What do we need:
We need transparency in the work…
We need good governance
We need justice for ALL
We need ekipwich
We need nefareni
We need tong
We need wenechar
We need kirekiroch
We need mirit
We need angechu
We need ekichu
We need tipechu
We need nuwokus Kot
We need nuwokus tipis
And yes
We need paved roads
Not only on Weno
But all municipalities
We need running water
We need electricity 4 all
We need quality dispensaries
We need good schools
Few things needed to be worried about before 2023..
Many of our congressmen are bribing people with rice, episukuwen turkey, beer and many more…Bonsiano Fasi Nethon included…
And this is what caused this chaos in Chuuk..
We must stop them and stop these dirty practices, otherwise…..
Sabino and Chuuk are totally wrong on this…a new ROC WONT solve this problem…we must stop them….