Sadly, it’s not over yet, folks. There’s bound to be another $300,000 or more wasted on travels, per diems, hotels, etc for the Chuuk State Political Status Commission to rack up frequent flier miles on useless ESGs.
If we’ve learned anything from this episode of democracy at work, the Chuukese voters are no longer the “Yes, whatever you say, sir, politician…you know it all…we bow to your important title.” At least there is a growing segment of our Chuukese voters who will fight back on issues that are important to them.
So, let’s build on this momentum by organizing ourselves into the first political party in Chuuk called Kich Chuuk! focusing on democratic values and a social agenda for reform through civic engagement. It is no longer enough for us to simply oppose our elected leaders through words. We have a duty to back up our words with actions to help our beloved Chuuk to become the strongest, most prosperous, culturally vibrant, and politically active state in the FSM.
Let’s start by replacing the leaders in the Chuuk State Legislature and FSM Congress who support secession so we don’t give them another chance to try this again. Then we’ll organize ourselves across election districts, clans, religious affiliations, gender, etc. based on a new agenda of change for Chuuk State.
Who’s in?
Great and awesome Job well done. Congratulations on the first step thus far. I agree and as posted, do count me and on front line if anyone should take the first fall trying to enhance, improve, embark, indulge, and endure an ever lasting reformation of our beloved state of Chuuk.
#KichChuuk. Kilisou Chapur.
Im in…who are the Yes supporters so we can vote them out?
Count me in . . .
Thank you and kinisou to everyone. Who stood up against these tyrants….
Im in for the Kich Chuuk political. Party….we fight for our people and our islands..
Eletin Killisou Vid! Count me in.
Kinisou chapur and thank you very much Vid for this news. If it is not of you I may not have learned about this new change. Now it is my part to past it on. So, what/how can we support this KICH CHUUK Reform to continue working with our people on what to do next.
Keep connected,
“A’a’k Eeu, Tii Eeu Chuuk” (imagine on a canoe when everyone tii euu. the canoe moves on quickly/smoothly… what happen when not tii eeu? someone may fall ika fen Uchap)
Can’t make up their minds are they? LOl
This is absolutely a sad news and an embarrassment to know that this so-called Commission is not doing its mandated obligations to the people. We are just throwing away the hard working Chuukese tax-payers money in the air. I am very suspicious about the whole political movement that this so-called Commission had been currently undertaking. Especially, its current members and leadership involvement in the business transactions (MOUs) with the Chinese owned-businesses/affiliated in Guam. Can this very so-called Commission be abolished and re-organized the whole body once again, including the entire members? Whether they all had been appointed or elected, I think it’s time to abolish the existing one and re-organized it into an appropriate and equal representation among the five election districts, maybe three reps from each election district.
In addition to the NEW chuuk political commission members, let us include women’s rep, traditional leadership rep, church denominations rep, local businesses rep, FSM Congress chuuk delegation rep, Office of the FSM President rep, or maybe the FSM External Affairs, just to name a few. I think involving everyone’s interest would be a right thing to do, or in the best interests of all.
count me in .
ask the governor to replace all the member. They do not know what they are doing Only advance their salary. Let us have good lawer like Maketo Robert and Maketo Noket. Hire from outside of Chuuk. they look funny when they taked.
Kilisou chapur. ika epwe soposopolo ena mokutukut, Anean pwe epwe pwal wor akaswili ren ekewe memebers on ewe commission.
if we are organizing can we have some officers to help us out?
hooo yeaaaaa…….
Let unity prevail! Killisou Vid ren update. Sa fokun ngaseta and let’s march on from here for a better and stronger Chuuk!
Amwo ita epwe postpone ena movement pwe sisie tipwe ngeni chuuk epwe independence pwe kick mei fen independence…..
Thank you very much for the update. I wish all of the chuukses people and communities to understand the episode we have face with the previews problems. Chuukese people/Communities ouse kan mochen sipwe tipweu, wenechar, nukunuk me pwan anninis fengen non tong oh pwan ren nefinach.
Ach enetin kinisou chapur ngeni semach Kot won nang ren ei fansoun sa pwan weweiti ach ei osukokuk.
Concern Citizen of CHUUK Communities. (C4)
kinisou chapur ngonuk Vid ren pworohu man auchea
IT is imperative for ALL of us to unite and develop plans–viable plans to be in place and followed through if we want CHANGE. WE must be the CHANGE we need; Chuuk needs. WE ARE CHUUK. Ika pwe sa tipe-ew me mochen pwe epwene iei ei fansoun ekesiwin non ach kanan State me National kofemen, Iwe there is no turning back. We’ve raised the winds of change so LETS BE THE CHANGE!
My position on a NEW REFORMED CHUUK remains solid. My paddle is ready and poised. Ready when you are, mwaan na Vid!! ~~Püngilemworo!!
Can somebody post the hit-list so i know who not to vote for?.
Bonsiano Fasi Nethon
Tiwiter Aritos
Vicky Gouland
Wiliblat bisalem
Many more…..
Thanks to all and one for all, Lets rebuilt our Home chuuk work together has one and one for all, i want to built a Tuna Cannery on my Family Clan land the wito clan to help the people of chuuk and the economy
Kilisou pwe sa pwal fatekaj ren ei movement mei kan aworato ai nijipung japwur….
hope y’all make up ur minds and make the right decision…
kinisou pwe sia fat ren ekkei porous…tong o tong mi enlet…
to whom it may concern, i need people from chuuk state to help me built a cannery, i will train them, if you read this , please respond