The Chuuk Political Status Commission (CPSC) released a resolution on February 11th signed by the Chairman Kachutosy Paulus and attested to by James Fritz whose title is identified simply as “Executive Director” but unclear of what entity.
In the resolution (see full text below), the CPSC blames the Chuuk State Election Commission for its failure “to implement the March 3, 2015 Plebiscite as provided by law.” We are verifying with the Chuuk State Election Commissioner exactly what the “failure” seems to be.
It is also unclear exactly what solution the CPSC is seeking from the Governor and the Chuuk State Legislature through their resolution. Are they seeking to proceed with their goal of secession even without the plebiscite?
The very act of drafting and communicating a resolution calls into question the function of the CPSC itself. Was the CPSC formed as an ad hoc committee with a specific role of studying and formulating a final report to the Chuuk State Legislature and Governor on the fiscal sustainability of the State beyond 2023? Since that report was completed and submitted in November doesn’t that automatically dissolve the CPSC? When can the people of Chuuk expect the appointments of the CPSC members to end? Did the enabling law that formed the CPSC give any authority to the members to carry on campaigning for their one-sided conclusion after they had completed their report?
By what legal authority (if any) is the CPSC operating these days since they had completed their task back in November? Are we witnessing a roque group of Separatists who have extended for themselves their own authority to push forward their own agenda of secession? This has been apparent in the way some members of the CPSC have resorted to name-calling, disrespectful discourses against the very people they were appointed to serve, irresponsible exaggeration of their wishful thinking about the US government, and downright misinformation to push their agenda through.
I have no answer to those questions above. But I do urge all Chuukese citizens at home and abroad to not ease up on our campaign against this Chuuk secession movement. Let us respectfully answer the CPSC resolution which is signed by two people by submitting our printed and online Petition to Stop Chuuk Independence which is signed so far by close to 3,000 Chuukese citizens at home and abroad. Let us tell the Governor and the Chuuk State Legislature to stop this nonsense once and for all and together we all should return to the business of helping our beloved Chuuk to become a stronger and prosperous State within the FSM.
A RESOLUTIONExpressing disappointment over the failure of the Chuuk State Election Commission to implement the Chuuk State Political Status Plebiscite as provided by law and recommending the Governor to take appropriate remedial action.
WHEREAS, realizing that the Chuuk State Election Commission has failed to implement the March 3, 2015 Chuuk State Political Status Plebiscite as provided by law, and
WHEREAS, understanding the paramount importance to address the future political status of Chuuk in the foreseeable future, and
WHEREAS, the Chuuk State Political Status Commission is gravely concerned if its mandate is not fulfilled as set forth in the law; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED that the Chuuk State Political Status Commission hereby urge the Governor and the Chuuk State Legislature to take appropriate remedial action ensuring that despite the temporary setback by the failure of the Chuuk State Election Commission to implement the March 3, 2015 Plebiscite, the underlying mandate for the pursuit of Chuuk’s future political status continue to be implemented; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this Resolution shall be transmitted to the three branches of the Chuuk State Government and each of its constituent municipalities.
Adopted by the Commission on February 11, 2015.
[signed] Kachutosy Paulus, Chairman
[signed] Attested to by: James Fritz, Executive Director
“The Chuuk State Political Status Plebiscite” means, the selection of a political status made by the CSPSC—Independence. In understanding the Election Commissioners responsibilities, “Implementing” the plebiscite would mean that the question whether to favor secession or not was not written on the ballot. But the question now is, WHO and HOW did that ballot draft get out???
Well, atleast, that’s a bit of good news. Any delay in the process of implementing this secession movement is welcomed so we have more time to thoroughly educate our people.
Who knows, maybe the Election Commission is starting to see. the “light” and is having a change of heart. We can only hope that that is the case. Thanks Vid.
Exactly, that’s what would happen when you don’t know what you’re doing or what you do is being manipulated by deception and lies. You will always end up the loser!
Vid, try not to have a heart attack! Don’t get too excited about the Chuuk’s Status Commission statutory authorities these days and its determination to pursue Chuuk’s secession from the FSM and a separate Compact of Free Association with the US. Let me assure you and Henchy Bualuay and all your internet supporters that despite your animosity toward the Commission, the Commission will continue working for your and every generation of Chuukese interests.
Specifically, in response to your question if the Commission still has legal authority to exist after submission of its Report to the Chuuk Legislature, let me quote you the most pertinent and recent state of our Chuuk State Law, CSL No 12-14-23:
Section 7(d): Notwithstanding Section 6(1) and 7(a) of this Act, if the recommended political status received a majority of the votes cast in the plebiscite, the Commission shall, within 30 days after the results of the plebiscite have been certified to the presiding officers of the Legislature, continue and take any and all actions necessary to accomplish the recommended political status that the Chuukese people approved in the plebiscite. The Commission shall remain active until the approved political status has been constitutionally established or until March 31, 2016, which ever comes first.””
So, you see the last sentence gives the Commission a little bit more statutory existence until either of the conditions subsequent occurs first. After all, who is going to be helping Chuuk implement the Independence process if the Commission is not going to be around anymore and most of the existing state departments and agencies are not sufficiently equipped for the process?
Killisou pwal tirow wom, AG and Commissioner Asor. First, please know there is no “animosity toward the Commission” at all. I understand that you are all appointees to carry out a mission of the Chuuk State Legislature and the Governor so I applaud your sense of public duty.
Secondly, inspite of our differences of opinion on the Chuuk secession movement, I think we share the same desire of helping our beloved Chuuk. The sad part for me in all this is that I actually would love nothing more than Chuuk claiming its rightful place in the global community. I am 100% pro-Chuuk and pro-independence, but everything about the way the Commission carried out its mission, the rushed nature of it, the lack of answers to our many questions, the lack of proper planning, lack of a central place like a website to get answers, the speculations about forming a Compact with the US, the lack of any credible studies or cost analysis, the unprofessionalism in how some of the commissioners dialogue with citizens who simply want answers, the baseless assumptions on the US Government without having the courtesy to listen to their representative in the Ambassador, the silence of the Chuuk delegation in the FSM Congress, and I can go…all of these contribute to citizens needing to ask questions. It seems like the more citizens ask questions, the more upset the commissioners become. This is a new world order in our Chuukese psyche. We can be fully Chuukese, but we are also capable of questioning our leaders…something that was anti-cultural in the old days.
Lastly, I’m grateful to you for providing the quote from the enabling CS Law. Now, I’m actually even more alarmed than when you presented the timeline of secession in Hilo. At that talk you speculated that 2017 would be the time the secession would occur thus invalidating our FSM passports. I’m surprised that you did not mention this March 31, 2016 that was clearly in the law. This is exactly the kind of thing that really makes people suspicious of the commission’s work or the trust in the leadership of it. One could easily think that your use of 2017 to answer my question in Hilo for a secession date in which the FSM passports would become useless was simply to lessen the negative impact of this move. You chose to use 2017 instead of simply stating the facts as you knew it, “March 31, 2016” as stated in the law.
Vid, more clarification. :
The illustration of 2017 as the date for Chuuk to ratify a constitution as an independent entity was as stated in our hearing, an illustration date on the time line. President Mailo, sitting there, added that it could be another date later. And you folks chose not to listen to the further explanation that after 2017, for example, transition of government functions like passport transition, are supposed to be taking place. The new constitution, like most constitution, provide for transition of governmental functions and authority. Besides, the speculated date for an Independent Chuuk Constitution effective date is a different matter than the statutory lifetime of the present Chuuk Status Commission. We did not find any need to include the Commission’s statutory deadline in the Chuuk Constitution effective date timeline discussion.
That is the difference. Most people also chose not to listen when we explain we (the Commission) cannot say when the new Chuuk Constitution will take effect because that will be LEGALLY provided by the Constitution itself; so all we could explain on the timeline is an illustration timeline.
I am surprised that most of the educated Chuukese on the internet do not want to understand the matter of a passport authority transition like a young man in Guam from Patta Island. During our last hearing in Guam, he tried to explain to the Chuukese audience that passport authority transition does happen, so people should not worry do much about their passports because the leaders will work to make sure their passports do not just become useless. He explained the FSM used to issue temporary passports while the FSM government was trying to issue new passports, so that is how governments work to transition one passport to another.
I will leave you with all of your opinions that the Commission is “doing a rush job.”; speculation on a separate Compact with the US; lack of a central website for the Commission and state to share political status information.
And yes, the plebiscite now appears more and more uncertain to occur on March 3, 2015. It is too bad that your friends from the FSM had spent an equal amount of public funds opposing the plebiscite, and now it has to be rescheduled to a later date after they are out of office and can no longer oppose it officially! A very bad coincidence, wouldn’t you agree? .
Mr. Asor, thank you for continuing to keep this dialogue in the public forum. I appreciate it very much. Some more thoughts:
1) I doubt very much that this latest twist in this nightmarish Chuuk secession nonsense, i.e. the ballot printing issue is coincidental. It is called bad leadership, bad planning, and maybe a good way out for the commission.
2) It continues to amaze me that Chuuk State leaders like you easily blame local incompetence on something or someone else. If it’s not the US Government it’s the FSM National Government. It’s never the Chuuk State leadership that’s at fault.
3) I’m having a difficult time understanding how you are now blaming this no-money-to-reprint-ballots on the FSM National Government? Your own CPSC resolution accuses the Chuuk State Election Commission for this latest problem.
4) Sir, the Chuuk State Election Commission office is right there on Weno, within a stone’s throw, within a $1 taxi ride, within the same area code for a local call, same government, etc. You mean to tell me that nobody from the CPSC or the Chuuk State Legislature or the Governor himself discussed the ballot printing budget and timeline with the Election Commissioner back in November / December when you completed the report and the CSL enacted the resolution for the plebiscite?
5) Have you just revealed in your comment above that this “coincidence” is the latest game plan for the CPSC to postpone the plebiscite until President Mori is out of office? Please leave the personal animosities out of this because Chuuk deserves better.
More later…
Mwa pwata ufen noninen ren watten ei politiks a pwan play. Thats so sad to hear. Delaying the plebiscite as a part of you cspc pol game plan.. hmmmm KARASUJ
Triw pwan omusono
First off, I don’t understand what’s the failure of the Chuuk Election Office that the resolution already claimed. This is not true! I did receive the voting papers in the mail pertaining the plebiscite. Is this just a political ploy to distract our attention? Dirty intention by Chairman Paulis!!
“”The Commission shall remain active until the approved political status has been constitutionally established or until March 31, 2016, which ever comes first.””
Was it the intention of the law to establish Independence before March 31, 2016??
Brother, do not take it out of context! I’m sure you know biblical exegeses which takes into account the context of a particular verse you are studying. If you read from above, the provision states that these subsequent actions/duties of the commission are permitted only:
“…if the recommended political status received a majority of the votes cast in the plebiscite…”
Section 7(d) as quoted by Sabino.
Tirow, pwan fairo sefan, amusano ach tipis
Tim, no, the statute allows the Commission to remain in existence as a legal entity until March 31, 2016, or when the constitutional government is established, whichever occurs first…
The constitutional government will come into effect after (1) the Chuukese people vote in a plebiscite to authorize the Chuuk Government to work for Secession and Independence, which work will include (2) the Legislature enacting a law creating a constitutional convention to draft a constitution; (3) the convention actually drafted the constitution; (4) people approve the constitution; (5) the constitution itself will contain an effective date and a transition provision detailing which and how government functions, laws, court judgments will transition from FSM or Chuuk State into the new Independent Chuuk Republic or Nation.
Some are now suggesting that even if the people vote in 2017 to approve a constitution, the constitution will transition most functions from the state government or from the FSM Government to the Independent Chuuk Nation and a new Compact with the US hopefully agreed upon not later than 2023.
Sorry about the long and convoluted answer, but we try to include all explanations.
Dirty politics playing in their minds..!!
Mr Asor, are you part of this phony full of CROOKS commission?
Where do you stand on the idea of Chuuk breaking away from the FSM into a republic per say?
Penia, I am on our Chuuk State Political Status Commission. I am not sure which Commission you are talking about. I do not know if we have CROOKS on our Status Commission, BUT we have wanparons, legislators, business people, mayors, soupwuns, and ordinary people like me.
Who is the Soupwun..?
What about Youth leaders aka Serafo to represent about women’s representative(s) to represent them…there’s so many missing blanks that needed to be filled in..
How about church leaders..? The wanparon doesn’t represent the church, he happen to be a wanparon representing another group ..!
That is why there is many missing parts of the jigsaw puzzle..!!
Don’t you think.??
Who are the wanporn? esapw ekewe ra piin fich?
Most of the wanparons are also the first Chuuk porn stars..!! Title: WONEI WONEI pwat ke asonopa.?
Tirow wom AG Sapino Asor.Kose mochen kopwe mwan awewei mosowan ami na report ika ami kewe toropwen educational ren an epwe fosun ika awewei non fosun Chuuk(RhUUK)pun am kei ause kan tufichin ika lipwakingaw am ause silei fosun Merika.Komwan nom mo awewei non Chuuk(rhuuk)om kei fos me pwal kewe toropwen.Ededcational Materials ren an epwe mak non fosun Chuuk(rhuuk).Ai luku nge pwal ina ew ami kewe anuk ren oupwe awewei ika awora pisekin an aramas repwe wewe me fat ren met repwe utut won…fokun ina rhok ai na tungor..cheers to the NO vote..sipwe tungor ousop utir kei mei mojen Chuuk epwe tou seni FSM..
Pwipwi Patis, ewe Commission a contract pwich seni Mortlocks non Guam, Tongei Jain, for $1000 epwe translate ach kewe Commission brochures from English into Chuukese. Amo ita epwe tongeni come out in time ren ami oupwe aea ika nounou copy ika epwe anisi kemi. Sipwe pwan tongeni awora copy ika sia receive translated versions.
Ren an High-5 kei questions:
1. Mi weires ach sipwe amend the FSM Const pwun e require 75% affirmative votes in three out of the four states an ew amendment epwe tongeni pass. Seni non ewe 1990, a fan ruu an FSM ita satuni amendments ngeni ewe FSM Constitution, but most do not pass.
2. The top three resources for Chuuk’s economic sustainability as an Independent Republic would be: fisheries; agriculture; tourism (based on the FSM 2023 Committee Economic Development Action Plan). I kind of agree with them, but do not believe we can have such results to make Chuuk financially sustainable before the 2023 Compact financial assistance expiration.
3. If Chuuk becomes independent, we will still have financial mismanagement and government corruption problems like most independent governments, even including the US. But we will try to write solutions into our new Chuuk Independent Constitution and laws how to minimize and address such problems. Look at the FSM, we had some of our FSM leaders convicted for misuse of public funds, we have audit reports about Kosrae and Pohnpei court systems unaccounted funds; we have recent corruption convictions in the Marshall islands,. Each government has to keep improving its law enforcement systems to deal with its crime problems.
The other commissioners have not had time to post on this Website, but it is a good forum to share our different viewpoints.
Today the Chuuk Governor has issued an Executive Order postponing the Plebiscite indefinitely until the Legislature can amend the law and set a new date. Our apologies to all citizens. We will have next time to continue our Secession/Independence discussion.
Mr. Sabino,
Ai tirou pwan fairo wom amafen…aa or fitu ai kappas-eis ngonuk me ewe CPSC as well as our Chuuk government officials…regarding this secession ” movement ”
1) if our FSM constitution is indeed mistreating/halting/reducing assistance give to our state of Chuuk, met ese tongeni epwe amended.??
2) if Chuuk becomes a new ROC, what are the top (3) main resources or local economy generating engines that you believe will throttle our state??
3) in a new ROC, will leaders ( chuukese ) stop abusing our system.??
Thank you….
Tirou wom High -5 upwe answer ini om na question # 3 ke era pwe abusing the new system , ewer recheck tairi pun ra pin feri ina pwata ika sii become ROC kasa akok chuuk our leaders are for them self don’t care about the people , kinisou tirou sefan wom
Thank you,
Antio Malone…
That is very true…!
We -chuukese need to know from these CPSC and state officials their answers in their own words….
Sabino, why only you in this public forum, commenting and answering questions, where’s everybody ( CPSC members and Chuuk officials)…
Tell them to come aboard and join the discussion…
maybe they hiding somewhere because they know that their political statue is failure…
MR.ASOR please tell them to join our discussion
where are the member of the chuuk state political statue????
kinisou Mr:Asor.nge pweta epwal ngeni jon Guam repwe awewei?Met mei qualified an na ewpwe wisan awewei kena jomongun ika penen toropwe?why wait this long?Good this PROCS is off the 3/03/2015 time its better for ypu not to be partbof this commision cus its coflict of are to. make sure the laws are notl be broken.or you need to put away crooks who used Chuuk money to their advantage….fokun kinisou…NO.epwe awararr,nge tirow omi ena pekin YES………cheers….
It’s a big win on our side-Kich Chuuk”
Now, let’s vote all dirty politicians out off government offices, national and state….
Bosnians Fasi nethon
Wilibilat bisalem
Tiwiter aritos
Arno kony
Karsom billy
And many more…
Please chuukese, let’s fight for our people and islands..!!
Kiinisou chapur..!!
I second and I close!
You’re Honor Mr. AG.
You have misconstrued the voices of concerned Chuukese citizens in their quest to grasp what this Independence Movement (CPSC) has to offer, and call it “animosity.” Your statement resonates negatively, and sounds like you are launching a personal attack on behalf of the CPSC. As an AG for the Chuuk State it is appropriate to be neutral on this issue, and consider the fact that there is no Whistleblower Policy being implemented. It is in your duty as people’s AG to rise up to the occasion as “a watch dog” and protect the very rights of the citizens, and to make sure that the silent voices are being heard.
It is imperatives that we stand proud as a Chuuk Nation, but we must secede with proper tools at the right time and in the right place when Chuuk is ready. I find the timing of this Chuuk Independence Movement to be absolutely deplorable, as the planning decision is imminent. I feel indignation over the immoral and atrocious act of the Commission members who monopolized the fate of the Chuukese children for their own political innuendo. Overwhelmingly, there is a sense of disparity between the people and the CPSC. Let’s not encourage Separatism and Plutocracy. Tirow, whatever happened to the 5 C’s. “Mokur Chuu, Pou Chuu, Eki Chuu,” etc. Peace me Kinisou.
Kinisou pwan tirou womw Mr. Sabino…..
Kose mochen afata mwich ika fite( how much) money you ( CPSC ) aa spend-ini won ei angangen ” independent” from the very beginning till today, feb 27,2015??
Kose pwan mochen affata ika ian ee feito ika kawor me ian ena senis ( money) funds for the Movement ??
Thank you Pattis…
Do you believe him( Johnny) that they (CPSC ) worked for free..??? Lol
A bunch of crooks…they won’t share/reveal the amount of money they just flushed down the toilet…!