In every form of community actions, the Chuukese youth have always been the backbone of the efforts. It is vitally important that the government strengthens its youth services to empower them to do more for nation-building. The government must instill a sense of pride among the Chuukese youth population in being Chuukese. Sports facilities are practically non-existent in Chuuk. More importantly, the Chuuk State leadership from the governor to the legislature must lead by example in putting resources into the development of long-term support for drug-free zones in the State where the youth can congregate without the negative impacts of alcohol, marijuana, snuff, tabacco, and other illegal substances. All adults must work hard every single day to set a positive example and role modeling for our youth a sense of hardwork, respect of others, dedication to taking care of other Chuukese, and of being ambassadors for our beloved Chuuk.